Off-site 2012 Summer Reading Program PH IV
Participants will spend more time reading over the summer than they would have without the program. Participants and their families will visit the library at the special end of summer program and get introduced to the library and its services.
End of year surveys were returned by four sites and all four reported that their participants read "a little more" or "a lot more" than they would have without OSSRP.
We were disappointed that turnout of participants and their families for in-library programs was so meager. In evaluating at the end of the summer it was decided that next summer we'll invite the sites to special programs at the library that they can do as a field trip during the day.
Belle Plaine ISD 716; Burnsville ISD 191; Jordan ISD 717; New Prague Area Community Ed; Prior Lake Savage ISD 719; Shakopee YMCA Kids Company