Guthrie Theater Acting Classes September - November 2011

Project Details by Fiscal Year
2012 Fiscal Year Funding Amount
Fund Source
Arts & Cultural Heritage Fund
Recipient Type
Start Date
September 2011
End Date
November 2011
Activity Type
Counties Affected
Project Overview
Theater classes for all ages, including: Once Upon a Time Storytelling Discover - or rediscover - how to tell a story or create your own in an exciting and creative way. Hear popular stories delivered by Guthrie actors and learn where the classics originated. Acting Games for Beginners: If you've never tried acting before, our Acting Games for Beginners is the perfect starting point. Learn what methods and tricks of the trade actors and ensembles use to rev up their creative juices, tune up their spontaneity and stay in the moment.) Intro to Shakespeare: Delve into Shakespeare - even if you never have before! Learn more about his plays, the language, movement and music with a special emphasis on upcoming Guthrie productions.) Duke it Out: Intro to Stage Combat: An introduction to the swashbuckling excitement of stage combat. Learn the basic moves of sword play, choreographed punches and orchestrated falls.
Project Details
Legal Citation / Subdivision
Laws of Minnesota for 2011 Chapter 6, Article 4, Subdivision 5
2012 Fiscal Year Funding Amount
Other Funds Leveraged
Direct expenses
Proposed Measurable Outcome(s)

25 classes offered.
Participants will learn more about theater and acting.
Provide an opportunity for patrons to try out acting.
Increase materials circulation.

Measurable Outcome(s)

Guthrie: 25 Guthrie workshops were attended by 206 patrons. 83 adults and teens filled out evaluation forms. 37 children filled out evaluation forms.
Results of surveys to teens/adults:
56% indicated that they tried acting. 35% said no. 9% were not sure. (Not all Shakespeare programs had time to incorporate acting.)
98% indicated that they knew more about theater and acting. 1% said no. 1% were not se. 62% indicated that they planned to check out library related material. 8% said no. 30% were not sure.
64% rated the quality of the program as excellent. 30% rated it as very good. 6% as good.
Comments were positive. Selected comments: “Joe gave me more of a background on Shakespeare which is what I wanted.” “Create this as a series to cover more information, including acting.” “This was a lot of fun! I was hesitant about being embarrassed and not 'very good' but we all felt empowered to say "yes" and try new things. Terrific moderator from Guthrie!”
Results of surveys to children:
92% indicated that they tried acting. 3% said no. 5% were not sure.
89% indicated that they know more about theater and acting. 3% said no. 8% were not sure.
42% indicated that they will check out related library materials. 19% said no. 39% were not sure.
60% indicated that the quality of the program was excellent. 35% said it was very good. 5% said it was good.
Comments were overall positive. Selected comments: “This was really fun and more Guthrie should come here.” “I enjoyed this program and hope they would do something like this now and then.”

Source of Additional Funds

Guthrie Theater

Project Manager
First Name
Last Name
Organization Name
Street Address
1619 Dayton Avenue, Suite 314
Saint Paul
Zip Code
Administered By
Administered by

1500 Highway 36 West
Roseville, MN 55113-4266
