Guthrie Theater Acting Classes September - November 2011
25 classes offered.
Participants will learn more about theater and acting.
Provide an opportunity for patrons to try out acting.
Increase materials circulation.
Guthrie: 25 Guthrie workshops were attended by 206 patrons. 83 adults and teens filled out evaluation forms. 37 children filled out evaluation forms.
Results of surveys to teens/adults:
56% indicated that they tried acting. 35% said no. 9% were not sure. (Not all Shakespeare programs had time to incorporate acting.)
98% indicated that they knew more about theater and acting. 1% said no. 1% were not se. 62% indicated that they planned to check out library related material. 8% said no. 30% were not sure.
64% rated the quality of the program as excellent. 30% rated it as very good. 6% as good.
Comments were positive. Selected comments: “Joe gave me more of a background on Shakespeare which is what I wanted.” “Create this as a series to cover more information, including acting.” “This was a lot of fun! I was hesitant about being embarrassed and not 'very good' but we all felt empowered to say "yes" and try new things. Terrific moderator from Guthrie!”
Results of surveys to children:
92% indicated that they tried acting. 3% said no. 5% were not sure.
89% indicated that they know more about theater and acting. 3% said no. 8% were not sure.
42% indicated that they will check out related library materials. 19% said no. 39% were not sure.
60% indicated that the quality of the program was excellent. 35% said it was very good. 5% said it was good.
Comments were overall positive. Selected comments: “This was really fun and more Guthrie should come here.” “I enjoyed this program and hope they would do something like this now and then.”
Guthrie Theater