Off-site 2012 Summer Reading Program PH III
Program will extend its reach beyond childcare programs to summer school and free lunch programs.
Participants will spend more time reading over the summer than they would have without the program.
We expanded our sites to 15 (25% increase) and participants to 1,690 (35% increase), and were able to pilot offering OSSRP at a summer school and a free lunch program in Savage, and at a bilingual Spanish/English childcare program in Shakopee. This expansion was possible because we hired a coordinator to manage OSSRP.
Belle Plaine Kids Company ; Burnsville Area LC Extended Year Program; Burnsville-Eagan-Savage (ISD#191) Food Service Department; Elko New Market Kids Company; Jordan Kids Company; New Prague Kids Company; Prior Lake Kids Company; Savage Project Kids; Shak