Gay Pride Month 2012
Patrons will hear stories that celebrate different cultures.
Patrons from a diverse background will feel welcome in the library.
Patrons will check out related library materials
Booth feedback from staff: 100% of staff informed booth visitors of library resources. Staff interacted with attendees who were pleased to have the library present at the event. Storytelling event for famillies survey results: 100% of patrons indicated that they heard stories from a variety of families and/or cultures. 100% feel welcome at the library. 81% have or plan to check out related library materials. Storytelling event for adults evaluation results: 100% rated the quality of the program as good or better. 100% felt welcome at the library. 83% felt the stories represented a variety of cultural backgrounds. 39% have or plan to check out related library materials. (Attendance figures represent storytelling events only.)
Color Coordination; Family Equality Council; Rainbow Rumpus; Rockstar Storytellers; Twin Cities Pride