Oral Culture: Pathway to school readiness project - April & May2012
After attending the workshop, patrons will feel more comfortable sharing books with their children.
Patrons will better understand the value of books and reading.
Patrons will witness book sharing models.
Patrons will understand how traditional folktales, chants, proverbs, and songs can enhance their child’s literacy development.
90% of attendees planned to share books with their children after attending the program. 99% understand how reading leads to school success. 85% saw parents reading to their children at the program. 100% rated the quality of the program as good or better. Selected comments: "This was very nice program, my child and I will read more." "I like this program because [the presenter] showed us how it is important to learn your own language."
A-GRAD; Brian Coyle Center; Confederation of Somali Community