Community Collaboration - Rotary Speaker Series
This event will better inform and educate the community about a current topic.
Measure the interest of future topics.
Dr. Therese Zink spoke to the community about health and wellness, read excerpts from her books, and held an informal discussion where attendees could ask questions and have Dr. Zink respond.
When asked what attendees like best about the program, several responded that the program was informative to them, and that they liked the open discussion format. Dr. Zink was able to alert the community to a state-wide advanced directives program, which many people were unaware of. Dr. Zink also spoke about “Obamacare”, and answered questions related to this law and how it affects patients and insurance in the United States. In fact, when asked to comment on improvements to the program, many responded that they wanted to hear more about Obamacare. Additionally, some wanted further discussion and a lengthier program.
Overall, the program was a great success. On a scale of 1-10, with 10 being very likely, 48% of respondents rated a 10 when asked if it was likely that they would recommend this program to friends or family.
Based on surveys, feedback about future topics included:
“How to live green”
“Staying healthy without drugs”
“End of life planning”
“Local history”
“Current advances in science”
“Local community initiatives for youth”
Zumbrota Public Library, Southeastern Libraries Cooperating
Leo Aeikens - Albert Lea, Sally Baker - Austin, Martha Hauschildt - Brownsdale, Liz Wanschura - Caledonia, Carol Price - Cannon Falls, Denise Mullen - Chatfield, Nancy Smith - Dodge Center, Clint Patterson - Dodge County, Mary Jane Holland - Faribault, Judy Webster - Harmony, Kurt Carlson - Hokah, Marilyn Frauenkron Bayer - Houston, Lori Hopkins - Kasson, Rhana Olson - Kenyon, Robin Yaffe Tschumper - LaCrescent, Andru Peters - Lake City, Barb Payne - LeRoy, Robert Elliott - Lonsdale, Deanna Larson - Mabel, Robert Bruce - Northfield, Thomas Sherman - Olmsted County, John Pfeifer - Owatonna, Kim Aarsvold - Pine Island, Mary Schneider - Plainview, Charles Sparks - Preston, Sara Hoffman - Red Wing, Galen Malecha - Rice County, Diane Moench - Rochester, Valerie Hasleiet - Rushford, Jill Mueller - St Charles, Pat Falbo - Spring Grove, Carol Gross - Spring Valley, Janice Welch - Stewartville, Judith Schotzko - Wabasha, Dave Harms - Wabasha County, Judy Rusert - Winona County, Ann Goplen - Zumbrota