Community Collaboration - Picture Freeborn County
This program will be held for the teachers at Southwest Middle School to show them a sampling of the vast collection of the photographs the Freeborn Historical Society has relating to our local history. Teachers will be asked to give feed back through a written survey of the collection choice for their use, asking also if there is a specific subject that they have special interest in for their particular subject areas, for example: local meat packing industry, Ice Storm of 1991, etc. We have a very strong connection with the elementary schools in our area, but this is a new approach to encourage the middle school and their students to be involved with the museum and our recourses.
The Freeborn County Historical Society was able to scan, log and identify about 3900 photographs. They were scanned using museum standards and saved to an external drive as well as backed up on an offsite location. A power point presentation was given to the teachers at Southwest Middle School and ideas were exchanged as they filled out the survey on what photos could enhance their subject areas and how they could be used within the classroom or as a research tool for students at the library at school.
With 4 teachers, the principal, and assistant principal, the discussion was very open and both sides gained from the discussion. The teachers had no idea of the resources that the museum holds or that they are welcome to use our resources to enhance their subject areas. They were impressed at the vast collection of photos that the museum has and are delighted that they can be provided with photos on a flash drive that they can use at their discretion in the classroom or that students can access through the school library. The survey helped narrow down specific areas that will be of direct help to certain units that they teach, such as the military and war photo collections and other areas such as transportation, farming and natural disasters.
Southwest Middle School - Albert Lea, Southeastern Libraries Cooperating
Leo Aeikens - Albert Lea, Sally Baker - Austin, Martha Hauschildt - Brownsdale, Liz Wanschura - Caledonia, Carol Price - Cannon Falls, Denise Mullen - Chatfield, Nancy Smith - Dodge Center, Clint Patterson - Dodge County, Mary Jane Holland - Faribault, Judy Webster - Harmony, Kurt Carlson - Hokah, Marilyn Frauenkron Bayer - Houston, Lori Hopkins - Kasson, Rhana Olson - Kenyon, Robin Yaffe Tschumper - LaCrescent, Andru Peters - Lake City, Barb Payne - LeRoy, Robert Elliott - Lonsdale, Deanna Larson - Mabel, Robert Bruce - Northfield, Thomas Sherman - Olmsted County, John Pfeifer - Owatonna, Kim Aarsvold - Pine Island, Mary Schneider - Plainview, Charles Sparks - Preston, Sara Hoffman - Red Wing, Galen Malecha - Rice County, Diane Moench - Rochester, Valerie Hasleiet - Rushford, Jill Mueller - St Charles, Pat Falbo - Spring Grove, Carol Gross - Spring Valley, Janice Welch - Stewartville, Judith Schotzko - Wabasha, Dave Harms - Wabasha County, Judy Rusert - Winona County, Ann Goplen - Zumbrota