Robert the Magician presents: Reading Can Take You Anywhere!
Reading Can Take You Anywhere' helps kids discover that every time they open a book they embark upon an amazing journey, a journey where kids can explore remarkable worlds, meet outrageous characters, and learn how to do extraordinary things. Parents love the show because it packs a powerful reading message, and kids love the show because it's just plain fun.
We distributed evaluations to all participants following the end of the program. We hoped that this program would encourage kids to actively participate in our Summer Reading Program. We also hoped that it would increase patrons' interest in storytelling, books, literacy, and/or magic.
98% of respondents said that this program helped them to enjoy the Summer Reading Program. 82% said that they enjoyed this program because it allowed them to spend quality time with friends and family. 91% said that this program increased their interest in storytelling, books, literacy, and/or magic. 93% said that they would attend a similar program in the future. Public comments included, 'wonderful, thank you, very good to incorporate stories in the magic,' and 'good show, loved the kids interacting!'
In Karlstad, the assisted living center provided lunch, the performance space, and they set up and cleaned up. In Hallock, use of City Hall was provided free of charge. In Greenbush, volunteers helped set up and clean up, and provided snacks.