Heidi Jeub: Abstract Painting
Heidi Jeub visited the Roseau High School to oversee a workshop on abstract art, giving participants an opportunity to explore painting media, without the obstruction of preconceived ideas of the end product. While creating work by engaging in abstract painting, students learn about and apply specific principles of art and elements of design as experienced in different art making experiences.
We hoped that after participating in this workshop participants would have learned something new about abstract painting. We also hoped that it would increase patrons' interest in this artist, painting, and/or abstract painting techniques. We distributed evaluations after the program.
100% of respondents said that after participating in this workshop they had learned something new about abstract painting. 83% said that they enjoyed this program because it helped them to learn a new skill. 100% said that this program increased their interest in abstract art. Comments included, 'Way out of my comfort zone but very fun class! Loved it!' and, 'I've never heard abstraction explained that way- I want to continue painting.'
Roseau High School hosted the program, which lowered our cost because of his existing residency at the Roseau schools.