Bill Jamerson
Bill Jamerson, an author, songwriter and filmmaker, did a series of programs in our region in which he explored the histories of lumberjack camps, the Civilian Conservation Corps, and iron mining towns in our region. Using storytelling and singing original songs, Jamerson provides a multi-media presentation focusing on our immigrant ancestors, the jobs they did and the lives they lived.
205 participated
After watching this program, we hoped that patrons would have learned something new about either the Civilian Conservation Corps, the lumberjack camps, or the iron mining towns. We also hoped that it would increase their interest in one or more of these topics, in the preservation of cultural traditions, in the lives of our immigrant ancestors, and/or in American history generally. After the programs we distributed evaluation forms to each audience member and asked them about the aforementioned topics. We also asked why they enjoyed the program, how they learned about the program, and asked for any other comments.
98% of respondents said that after watching this program they learned something new about either the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC), the lumberjack camps, or the iron mining towns. 93% reported that they enjoyed this program because it helped them to increase their knowledge and better understand a topic. 94% responded that this program increased their interest in the CCC, the lumberjack camps, the iron mining towns, American history, the preservation of cultural traditions, and the lives of our immigrant ancestors. Some public comments included, "So nice to bring back memories of my childhood," "a worthy program to remember how hard the pioneers worked," and "very interesting stories- I appreciate the historical programs!"
In Warroad, the Friends of the Library donated baked goods, and a few high school students donated their time to help the Friends group. In Greenbush, the program was hosted by the Life Care Manor, and the Friends of the Library helped with distributing posters and setting up the event.