Robert the Magician presents: Professor Marvel's DIY Magic Show
Robert the Magician crafted a show specifically to correlate with the Summer Reading theme for 2017- Reading by Design. Engaging the kids with magic, story-telling and puppetry and providing them fuel for their imaginations through a selection of featured books, Professor Marvel will help the kids understand that through reading, anything is possible.
335 participated
We hoped that this program would help to get our younger patrons excited about Summer Reading, and encourage their interest in books. We also wanted to expose our patrons to creative story-telling through magic. We distributed evaluation forms to everyone at the close of the program, and collected public comments.
97% of respondents said that this program helped them to enjoy the library's Summer Reading Program. 73% said that this program allowed them to spend quality time with friends and family. 94% said that this program increased their interest in story-telling, magic, books and literacy. Public comments included, "thanks for bringing in great programming to the library on a regular basis" and, "it was great how he talked about kids books" and, "Bob the magician was very inclusive to the audience." Our Summer Reading Program was one of the best we've had in years, and we think the amount of quality Legacy programs has helped us enormously. They bring something new and exciting to the library and patrons love it.
In Greenbush the Friends of the Library set-up and cleaned up the program area, and provided cookies and coffee.