Michelle Griep: Victorian Christmas Traditions
We had Minnesotan author Michelle Griep visit to discuss her new book, "12 Days at Bleakly Manor." She also prepared a presentation of Victorian Christmas traditions, which is a main theme of her book, and brought Victorian treats for the patrons.
36 participated
We hoped that after this program, patrons would have learned something new about an author's creative process, and about Victorian Christmas traditions. We also thought that participants might have increased interest in this author, her books, or the Christian Fiction genre, after hearing her speak. We always distribute evaluations after the program, and collect public comments.
100% of respondents said that after watching this program they had learned something new about the author's creative process, and/or Victorian Christmas traditions. 97% said that they enjoyed this program because they were able to increase their knowledge and better understand a topic. 97% said that this program increased their interest in this author, her books, and/or the Christian Fiction genre. 97% said that they would attend a similar program in the future. One appreciative patron wrote, "Well done. This was my first time meeting an author. Meeting the writer of the book I'm reading makes reading the book more interesting. A bird's eye view into the author's thoughts, some of their quirks and a whole lot more appreciation for the skillful art of writing. Thank you for this fine opportunity." Christian Fiction is a very popular genre in our region, so we are excited to have been able to provide this program for our patrons.
In Greenbush, the Friends of the Library brought coffee, and helped to set up and clean up the program area.