Spring Art Enrichment for Children - 2011
An evening of art exploration at the Perham Area Public Library, the children in attendance were introduced to four different styles of art: impressionism, pointillism, fauvism, and cubism. They were then given an opportunity to look at art in the library and in books and to choose a favorite piece that “spoke” to them. They spend the rest of the night learning various ways to replicate the art. They each had an artist’s sketchpad, a pencil and an eraser to take home with them to continue their work.
Event Dates, Locations and Attendance at each individual event:April 18, 2011, Perham Area Public Library
Partner Organization(s): Friends of the Library
Partner Organization(s) Contribution/Role in the Program: bought and served pizza
Program Outputs: 28 children attended 1 evening event.
Measurable Outcomes may be collected by survey, anecdotal responses, pre-test/post-test, observations;Describe proposed end user change in Behavior, Attitude, Skills, Knowledge, Condition and/or Status.
- To increase the participants knowledge of styles of art and to encourage them to create their own pieces.
- To demonstrate how to research art in the library.
Survey answers indicated that the students retained a great deal of knowledge on varying styles of art. Observation indicated they had a great time creating their own pieces. Surveys also indicated that they thought it was cool to eat pizza in the library, and they loved the sketchpads and “artists tools” that they received to take home.