Sherry Olson Art Exhibit - 2011
The third in a series of art exhibits at Thorson Memorial Library, the program included an artist’s reception as well as participation in story hour by the artist. The exhibition remained on display for three months.
Event Dates, Locations and Attendance at each individual event:
- March 31, 2011, reception Thorson Memorial Library;
- April 21, 2011, storytime, Thorson Memorial Library
Partner Organization(s): Friends of the Library
Partner Organization(s) Contribution/Role in the Program: Refreshments at reception.
Additional details clarifying the program outcome: 14 people have come to see the exhibit that have never been in the library previously
Program Outputs: Outputs are things you can count such as attendance, number of new participants, and the number of attendees who had never been at a similar event, and so on.
- 86 people attended the reception
- 28 children attended the story hour
People continued to come to the library and browsed the art during the three month exhibit.
Measurable Outcomes may be collected by survey, anecdotal responses, pre-test/post-test, observations; Describe proposed end user change in Behavior, Attitude, Skills, Knowledge, Condition and/or Status.Proposed outcome was to change the knowledge and attitude of community members through exposure to this particular artist and to art in general. To improve the atmosphere at the library to stimulate both mind and soul of everyday users.
86 people attended the art reception and indicated a keen interest in the artist which amazed and delighted her. Parents and children were equally pleased by the workshop.