National Library Week Author Residency - 2011

Project Details by Fiscal Year
2011 Fiscal Year Funding Amount
Fund Source
Arts & Cultural Heritage Fund
Activity Type
Counties Affected
Project Overview

Glenwood Public Library celebrated National Library Week by hosting a visit to Minnewaska Area Schools from award-winning children’s author David LaRochelle. David visited kindergarten through sixth grade students on April 14 and 15, 2011 giving a total of nine presentations. Community members were invited to attend each of the performances.

Project Details

Event Dates, Locations and Attendance at each individual event: April 14 and 15, 2011, Minnewaska Area Schools
Partner Organization(s): Minnewaska Area Schools, Friends of the Library, Glenwood Public Library
Partner Organization(s) Contribution/Role in the Program: Publicity, logistics

There were 9 performances with a total of 560 people in attendance at all programs.

2011 Fiscal Year Funding Amount
Proposed Measurable Outcome(s)

Measurable Outcomes may be collected by survey, anecdotal responses, pre-test/post-test, observations; Describe proposed end user change in Behavior, Attitude, Skills, Knowledge, Condition and/or Status.Proposed outcomes included a new awareness of what it means to be an author/illustrator of children’s books and to entertain children with magical stories.

Measurable Outcome(s)

13 adults and 116 children returned surveys that indicated an overwhelmingly positive experience and a changed attitude and understanding of children’s illustrators.  Most often mentioned among the children was the understanding that they “should never give up.”

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1500 Highway 36 West
Roseville, MN 55113-4266
