KBXE - What We're Reading
A pre-produced three to five minute segment featuring MN book reviews, book lists, book and author news, book events, book groups, writer groups. Will include meet-ups via social media to encourage reading and sharing in the community. Two segments per month.
$1,600,000 each year is appropriated for a grant to the Association of Minnesota Public Educational Radio Stations for production and acquisition grants in accordance with Minnesota Statutes, section 129D.19.
Survey results will show most respondents agree with these statements: "Has What We're Reading woven art, culture and history more strongly into your life?" "Does What We're Reading help arts, culture and history thrive in MN?" "Does What We're Reading make you feel like participating in arts activities related to books and reading or writing?" Track reach of selected Facebook posts reacted to What We're Reading?Subject and participant comparison to census data: Count number and demographics of writers whose work is featured on What We're Reading, as well as other participants organization. Listener and author/writer feedback: collect notes, articles and email with special attention to feedback from writers about the impact of the show on their work and on their ability to earn a living from their writing. Also collect notes from listeners.?
$1,600,000 each year is appropriated for a grant to the Association of Minnesota Public Educational Radio Stations for production and acquisition grants in accordance with Minnesota Statutes, section 129D.19.
Survey results will show most respondents agree with these statements: "Has What We're Reading woven art, culture and history more strongly into your life?" "Does What We're Reading help arts, culture and history thrive in MN?" "Does What We're Reading make you feel like participating in arts activities related to books and reading or writing?" Track reach of selected Facebook posts reated to What We're Reading.?Subject and participant comparison to census data: Count number and demographics of writers whose work is featured on What We're Reading, as well as other participants organization.Listener and author/writer feedback: collect notes, articles and email with special attention to feedback from writers about the impact of the show on their work and on their ability to earn a living from their writing. Also collect notes from listeners.?