Legacy Sponsorship Grants 2010: Draw, Learn, Create

Project Details by Fiscal Year
Fund Source
Arts & Cultural Heritage Fund
Activity Type
Counties Affected
Project Overview

The Minneota Public Library sponsored Draw, Learn, Create on June 18, 2010 for a group of preschool and lower elementary aged children.

A local artist gave a lesson on how to draw. The children each drew a picture following the lesson. The artist then read some of her favorite books to the group.

Project Details

Program Date and Time: JUNE 18 AT 10A.M.
Number of Performances: ONE
Number of Attendees: 25

Proposed Measurable Outcome(s)

Measurable Outcomes may be collected by survey, anecdotal responses, pre-test/post-test, observations; End user change in Behavior, Attitude, Skills, Knowledge, Condition and/or Status

Measurable Outcome(s)
  1. The children learned how to draw with chalk and each created a picture using chalk as the artist medium.
  2. Minneota's Artist in Residnece gave the lesson.
  3. The children learned how to draw a self portrait. They were encourages to get a library card and check out books. For some this was the first time they had a card and checked out books.
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