Writing Memoir-Writing Life, Kate St. Vincent Vogl
Writing Memoir, Writing Life with Kate S. Vincent Vogel, was offered for ages 12-adult. How can you write the best story of your life? Maybe you've started writing but now you are stuck, wondering what to include, what to leave out, and how to put it all together. This class provided real world solutions to challenges memoir writers face. Patrons discovered tips on how to grab their readers' attention from the start, how to write effective dialogue, and how to provide the most powerful ending to your story, all without making anything up. They found out how to cull their journals and mine their memories-even the hazy ones. And what must authors also consider when telling the family secret? Through writing exercises and class discussion, participants learned the essentials of writing their life's narrative so they could bring their concept to completion.
99 participated
Surveys were distributed to participants at all programs. 96% strongly agreed that this was an enjoyable experience and 90% strongly agreed that they would attend a similar event. Comments: I enjoyed having the opportunity to write, receive feedback, and tell my story. Kate was awesome! She really helped me with my memoir. Please bring more writers!
The intended outcome of the author/poetry/literature program is to allow the patrons to experience the expertise of MN authors and the process they use to develop their novels through a variety of genres for a variety of ages. A survey was distributed to receive feedback from those attending the programs.
14 libraries provided space, staff, and additional promotion for the programs and approximately 7 regional newspapers provided marketing through press releases, photos and interviews with artists and performers.