StEPs Assessment Program
In order to grow the capacity of the organization to preserve and interpret history a consultant was hired by the DCHV to lead selected members and the board through the Standards and Excellence Program for History Organizations' (StEPs) self-assessment program.
The process involved the completion of six segments of the StEPs workbook. The results of the process included a reviewal of policies and procedures, the identification of areas for improvement and the development of a next steps plan. The organization now has an improved mission statement and direct, specific goals.
(b) Statewide Historic and Cultural Grants. (i) $2,250,000 in 2010 and $4,500,000 in 2011 are appropriated for history programs and projects operated or conducted by or through local, county, regional or other historical or cultural organizations; or for activities to preserve significant historic and cultural resources. Funds are to be distributed through a competitive grants process. The Minnesota Historical Society shall administer these funds using established grants mechanisms, and with assistance from the advisory committee created herein.