PastPerfect Winter Project
The Society purchased PastPerfect 4.0 software to track and record accessions. Previously, these records were kept in a hand-written logbook. To begin the process of reviewing and inventorying the collections, the artifacts were first re-organized and the storage rooms were thoroughly cleaned. Materials were divided and organized to be stored in two areas with different but appropriate temperature and humidity levels. The net result is the collections are in order, the storage spaces are clean and their environments moderated and staff is more able to accurately locate artifacts.
(b) Statewide Historic and Cultural Grants. (i) $2,250,000 in 2010 and $4,500,000 in 2011 are appropriated for history programs and projects operated or conducted by or through local, county, regional or other historical or cultural organizations; or for activities to preserve significant historic and cultural resources. Funds are to be distributed through a competitive grants process. The Minnesota Historical Society shall administer these funds using established grants mechanisms, and with assistance from the advisory committee created herein.