- The 17-member Parks and Trails Legacy Advisory Committee was formed in January 2012.
- Members are appointed for two year terms.
- Three members were appointed by the Department of Natural Resources.
- Three members were selected by the Greater Minnesota Regional Parks and Trails Commission.
- Three members were appointed by the Metropolitan Council.
- Eight members were selected by the above three agencies via an open solicitation process (Ad-Hoc).
Lynnea Atlas-Ingebretson - Ad-Hoc Appointee, Golden Valley, MN
Alysa Delgado - Metropolitan Council Appointee - Eden Prairie, MN
Steve Dubbs - GMRPTC Appointee - Wahkon, MN
Janice Erickson - Ad Hoc Appointee - Woodbury, MN
Cecily Harris - DNR Appointee - Marine on St. Croix, MN
Gina Hugo - GMRPTC Appointee - Elk River, MN
Alexandera Houchin - DNR Appointee - Cloquet, MN
Cathy Jordan - Ad Hoc Appointee - Minneapolis, MN
Matthew Lindeman - Ad Hoc Appointee - Winona, MN
Sumbal Mahmud - Ad-Hoc Appointee - Medina, MN
Ally Mark - Ad-Hoc Appointee - Minneapolis, MN
Dolf Moon - Ad Hoc Appointee - Hutchinson, MN
Jon Oyanagi - Metropolitan Council Appointee - St. Paul, MN
Jim Shoberg - GMRPTC Appointee - Duluth, MN
Heather Stirratt - DNR Appointee - Eagan, MN
Dan Trudeau - Metropolitan Council Appointee - Mendota Heights, MN
Tom Watson - Ad Hoc Appointee - Appleton, MN
Organization Liaisons
Emmett Mullin - Metropolitan Council
Rick Anderson - Greater Minnesota Parks and Trails Commission
Renee Mattson - Greater Minnesota Parks and Trails Commission
Ann Pierce - Department of Natural Resources
Laura Preus - Department of Natural Resources
Lars Erdahl - Department of Natural Resources
Kacie Warneke - Department of Natural Resources