Heather Stirratt

Photo of Heather Stirratt

  Heather Stirratt
  DNR Appointee
  Eagan, MN




Heather Stirratt is a self-professed nature loving, scuba diving, team building, goal setting, parks and trails opportunist - logging over 1,380 self-propelled miles last year alone. In professional circles, Heather is best known for over 25 years of environmental stewardship and public service contributions via the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission, NOAA’s National Marine Fisheries Highly Migratory Species Division, and NOAA’s National Ocean Service. Currently she is honored to serve as the Great Lakes Regional Lead for NOAA’s Office for Coastal Management. In her time off, Heather is particularly passionate about sharing her knowledge of natural resource management, sustainable visitor use, and how best to manage and plan for the effects of climate change so that future generations can continue to explore and visit unique natural places. The opportunity to serve on Minnesota’s Parks and Trails Legacy Advisory Committee offers Heather and the State of Minnesota a unique opportunity to leverage her post graduate education, state/federal career experience, and personal interests to the fullest extent possible. Heather resides in Eagan, Minnesota, with her husband and three kids who say she’s best known for her homemade granola and jams, warm hugs, and adventurous spirit.