Peterson/Woodbury WPA
Project Details by Fiscal Year
2011 Fiscal Year Funding Amount
Fund Source
Outdoor Heritage Fund
Balaton Sportsman Club
Start Date
October 2011
End Date
June 2014
Counties Affected
Project Overview
Fee acquisition of 279 acres. This property adjoins 370 acres of TNC land and surrounds 40 acres of School Trust land. Within 5 miles of the property are 12,634 acres of WMA land and 1,301 acres of TNC land.
The owner seeks to sell the property. Not conserving this property would threaten its conservation values with conversion and make management more difficult on the adjacent TNC land and School Trust Lands.
The property is primarily composed of 2 major plant communities that are conservation targets in the Tallgrass Aspen Parklands, lake plain wetlands and upland mosaic. It provides habitat for mobile mammals such as elk, bear and wolves. It is also suitable habitat for any parkland species identified in the State Wildlife Action Plan that require sedge meadow, aspen woodland or upland plant communities, including Nelson's Sharp-tailed Sparrow, Upland Sandpiper, American Bittern, American Woodcock, Marbled Godwit, Ovenbird, and Sharp-tailed Grouse.
Competitive Grant Making Body
Project Details: 2011 Fiscal Year
2011 Fiscal Year Funding Amount
Project Manager
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