CREP Easement Project
Project Details by Fiscal Year
2011 Fiscal Year Funding Amount
Fund Source
Outdoor Heritage Fund
Steele SWCD
Start Date
January 2011
End Date
June 2014
Counties Affected
Project Overview
Seminary Fen, located on the slopes above the Minnesota River in Chaska and Chanhassen, is a high quality wetland complex that includes a rare calcareous fen, a DNR trout stream, and is home to a number of rare species. The portion of the Seminary Fen targeted for this project is a formerly farmed wetland that has been ditched and tiled. This project proposes to restore the natural hydrologic regime by rendering the tile and ditch inaffective. The project will restore the native plant community by controlling reed canary grass and re-introducing native plant species as well as restore the groundwater feeding Asumption Creek. Once completed it is expected to improve the conditions for Brook Trout in Assumption Creek which is adjacent to the propose restoration as well as Species in Greatest Conservation Need including Sedge Wren, Marsh Wren and Least Flycatcher.
Competitive Grant Making Body
Project Details: 2011 Fiscal Year
2011 Fiscal Year Funding Amount
Project Manager
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