This project will improve the water quality of lakes in Ramsey and Washington Counties. This will be accomplished by: 1) installation of filtration basins adjacent to Wakefield Lake to reduce nutrient and sediment pollution, and 2) construction of raingardens on private property that filter stormwater runoff thereby reducing sediment and nutrient pollution to Battle Creek Lake and Kohlman Creek. This project is funded through the Ramsey County and Washington County allocations of the Watershed-Based Funding Pilot Program for the Seven County Metropolitan Area.
This project will improve the water quality to Upper Twin Lake and the Mississippi River. This will be accomplished through cost share programs administered through the Shingle Creek Watershed Management Commission (WMC) and West Mississippi WMC that will provide matching funds to member cities to undertake small pollutant load and runoff volume reduction projects typically costing less than $100,000. This project will install bioretention basins which will reduce nutrients to Upper Twin Lake and bacteria loads to the Mississippi River.
This multifaceted project will provide education and install practices to improve water quality in the Sunrise River Watershed. This will be accomplished by: 1) retrofitting stormwater basins and treating stormwater through swales and/or rain gardens to reduce nutrients and sediment to Coon and Martin Lakes, 2) surveying carp populations and developing a Linwood Lake carp feasibility study and management plan, and 3) increasing lakeshore stewardship projects on Typo, Coon, Fawn, Pet, Linwood, Island Lakes through environmental education about water quality.
This project will conduct a subwatershed feasibility study to identify and prioritize project locations for retrofit of stormwater best management practices. The project will also include installation of the highest priority stormwater improvement practice to reduce nutrient pollution to Goose Lake. This project is funded through the Anoka County and Ramsey County allocations of the Watershed-Based Funding Pilot Program for the Seven County Metropolitan Area.
This project will improve the water quality of Keller Lake in the City of Apple Valley by expanding an existing upstream pond and modifying the pond's outlet to provide additional water quality treatment. The pond outlet would be modified to provide extended detention and increase the residence time for smaller storm events. One public outreach event will be held during project design to inform residents of the proposed project and obtain feedback.
Provides grants to Soil and Water Conservation Districts that focuses on increasing capacity to address four resource concern areas?Soil Erosion, Riparian Zone Management, Water Storage and Treatment, and Excess Nutrients.
Provides grants to Soil and Water Conservation Districts that focuses on increasing capacity to address four resource concern areas - Soil Erosion, Riparian Zone Management, Water Storage and Treatment, and Excess Nutrients.