KFME - Prairie Public TV Educational Services
Prairie Public will produce educational materials related to our productions and provide preK-12 teachers with training on integrating these and other arts, culture and history resources in to their classroom lesson planning to encourage improvements in student achievement levels. We will host a 2-day graduate credit approved Teacher Training Institute for at least 60 northwest Minnesota teachers in June and a separate mini-Institute for another 50 teachers during the school year. We will also present breakout sessions highlighting our educational broadcast and online resources at regional education conferences and a minimum of 10 workshop trainings for educators, as well as promote through our monthly e-newsletter to the 6300 northwest Minnesota teachers representing 4300 students. Broadcast educational programs on the arts, culture and history and our lending library of over 2500 videos will be available to the 76 northwest Minnesota school districts as part of our no fee educational services, and Family Literacy Event Grants worth nearly $2000 per event will be awarded to six schools committed to building literacy skills at home, at school and in the community with the goal of inspiring children and families to discover the joys of 21st century learning.
Track the numbers of teachers trained and the numbers of students served through broadcasts