Author Pam Flowers – Alone Across The Arctic

Project Details by Fiscal Year
Fund Source
Arts & Cultural Heritage Fund
Activity Type
Counties Affected
Project Overview

Lake Agassiz Regional Library sponsored four in-school programs (two in Detroit Lakes, one each in Barnesville and Breckenridge) and library programs in Moorhead and Detroit Lakes.

Event Dates and Locations:
04/06/2010 – Detroit Lakes (Roosevelt Elementary, Rossman Elementary, Detroit Lakes Library)
04/07/2010 –Breckenridge Elementary/Middle School
04/08/2010 – Barnesville Elementary, Moorhead Library

Project Details

Partner Organization(s): Detroit Lakes Public Schools, Becker County Friends of the Library, Moorhead Public Schools, Breckenridge Public Schools, St. Mary’s Elementary School (Breckenridge). Partners hosted presentations

Total attendance for all locations was 2,150 people.

Attendance by location is as follows:
Roosevelt Elementary (700),
Rossman Elementary (700),
Detroit Lakes Library (28),
Breckenridge Elementary/Middle School (340),
Barnesville Elementary (350), and Moorhead
Moorhead Library (32)

Proposed Measurable Outcome(s)

Measurable Outcomes may be collected by survey, anecdotal responses, post-test; End user change in Behavior, Attitude, Skills, Knowledge, Condition and/or Status

Measurable Outcome(s)

Comments from the Attendees:

  • “I don’t know why I needed to come; Alex told me all the stories when he got home from school (grin)” Alex is a second grader.
  • From a teacher:  “It was such a good program.  We had a lot of discussion afterward”
  • From an adult at the library program: “Awesome! Fascination presentation!”
  • From an adult at the library program:  “Pam was excellent! Very unassuming, humble, yet courageous.”
  • From an adult at the library program: “Interesting story”
  • From an adult at the library program: “Sounds like a very fun adventure. It makes me want to go dog sledding.”
  • From an adult at the library program: “Great speaker. Very engaging.”
  • From an adult at the library program: “We just love these authors that you have coming.”

Comments from LARL Staff:

  1. It was excellent.  The subject was high interest in our community.  Her slides and talk moved quickly enough to keep the audience (even 700 kids crammed together on the gym floor) totally engaged.  She involved the kids and spoke to their level at the school programs.  She spoke to the adults with more and different details in the evening.   There were a lot of questions both at the school and at the library. (Dotz, Detroit Lakes)
  2. The kids were very quiet and they looked like they were really enjoying the presentation. The kids I talked to loved her story and they were so very quiet so they could see her current dog. Most of the questions I thought were good questions. I thought she was a good speaker and held your attention. (Shaw, Barnesville)
  3. Home school families stopped by the library after the program at the library to say how much they enjoyed the program, and the dog sledding guy from Breckenridge was also a big hit.  He brought his dogsled and dog sledding team for the kids to meet. (Nanci, Breckenridge)
  4. I attended the Breckenridge program and was thrilled to see so many kids ask questions at the end of the program.  Youth of all ages asked so many questions, that Pam had to cut the Q & A portion short. There were literally 12-20 hands in the air at all times.  Pam’s story really was inspiring, motivating, and touching – great for audience members of all ages. (Liz, Moorhead)
  5. I talked to a few people and they really seemed to enjoy it. They are very excited that we are doing all of these programs. (Janine, Moorhead)

Additional Notes:Pam sold several books to attendees and called the tour a “successful tour.”  She provided four communities with a new and positive experience. In addition, we were able to purchase additional copies of books written by Pam Flowers and other general titles about dog sledding. PIO Support:Attendees of the Public Library events noted that they heard about the event from promotional materials within the library and in the local papers.

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