All Projects

38823 Results for
2015 Fiscal Year Funding Amount
2014 Fiscal Year Funding Amount

Per Minnesota Law, 2013, Chapter 137, Art. 4, Sec. 2, Subd. 6 (d).

$1,650,000 the first year and $1,650,000 the second year are appropriated for a grant to the Association of Minnesota Public Educational Radio Stations for production and acquisition grants in accordance with Minnesota Statutes, section 129D.19.

Ampers website:

KAXE, 91.7 FM - Grand Rapids

2015 Fiscal Year Funding Amount
2014 Fiscal Year Funding Amount

These grants are to theatres in Minnesota to purchase and install digital projection technology to allow continued access to films.
The list of current projects and grants amounts are:

Canby Theatre: $24,423.30
Morris Theatre Coop.: $27,027.00
Take-Up Productions dba Trylon Microcinema: $17,500

Total grant amount for both fiscal years: $148,500.00
Total amount granted to date: $68,950.30
Total amount returned to Legacy fund from FY 14: $22,799.70
Total amount remaining to be competitively distributed: $56,750.00

Board of Water and Soil Resources
2015 Fiscal Year Funding Amount
Fund Source
2015 Fiscal Year Funding Amount
Fund Source

The Pope County Water Plan has identified surface water quality and erosion control as top priority resource concerns. These two priorities account for 33% of the phosphorus loading to Lake Emily. The Lake Emily Watershed Best Management Practices (BMP) Prioritization Project will provide GIS-based water quality analysis to assist the Pope Soil and Water Conservation District in determining effective locations for BMP implementation and will prioritize the areas from high to low for phosphorus, nitrogen, and sediment delivery from contributing runoff during rainfall events.

Freeborn County
2015 Fiscal Year Funding Amount
Fund Source

The City of Myrtle is an unsewered community in Freeborn County. Thirty-one of thirty-two properties are connected to a community straight pipe, which discharges raw sewage into Deer Creek, a tributary of the Cedar River and are classified as an imminent threat to public health (ITPHS). This project will provide cost-share assistance to 28 low income property owners, who are connected to the City of Myrtle community straight pipe, for construction of individual subsurface sewage treatment systems.

2015 Fiscal Year Funding Amount
Fund Source

Pope Soil and Water Conservation District, partnered with Natural Resources Conservation Service staff and landowners, will install 22 targeted water and sediment control structures in two priority subwatersheds (Trappers Run and Minnewaska). These structures have the potential to reduce sediment load by 514 tons per year, and phosphorus by 440 pounds per year.

Red River Watershed Mgmt Board
2014 Fiscal Year Funding Amount
Fund Source
Chisago SWCD
2015 Fiscal Year Funding Amount
Fund Source

Two large, actively eroding gullies located a few miles apart in Amador Township are contributing tremendous loads of phosphorus and sediment to the St. Croix River. One gully (Gully A) includes a major agricultural gully, severe road erosion, and sediment deposits of a foot or more thick in a state park. The second gully (Gully B) is over 4 feet deep, adjacent to a road, and is an annual problem. Stabilizing these two gullies will greatly reduce the sediment and phosphorus loading to the St. Croix River, which will help meet the reduction goal of the Lake St.

Chisago SWCD
2015 Fiscal Year Funding Amount
Fund Source

Using a previous escarpment gully project as a model, the Chisago Soil and Water Conservation District will complete a similar inventory of actively eroding gullies along the Lower Sunrise River from the Kost Dam south to the confluence with the St. Croix, which includes the North Branch of the Sunrise, Hay Creek, and the Sunrise River main branch. There are major erosion issues along this stretch of river, no organized and efficient way to begin work in the area. The inventory report will provide the missing link.

Chisago SWCD
2015 Fiscal Year Funding Amount
Fund Source

The Chisago Soil and Water Conservation District has been successful in implementing Best Management Practices in certain targeted locations within the county, including the prioritized and assessed areas of Chisago City, Lindstrom, and Center City. However, there are many areas that want to implement conservation projects but aren't within targeted areas. This award will empower community partners, especially lake associations, to award grants for rain gardens, shoreline buffers, and other worthwhile projects to improve water quality.

Red Lake SWCD
2015 Fiscal Year Funding Amount
Fund Source

The purpose of this Phase II Project is to advance the inventory process of the 103E drainage ditches where erosion, sediment, and/or nutrients are contributing substantially to water quality degradation, and prioritize sites for side water inlet control and/or buffer strip implementation.Through this project, Red Lake Watershed District, Red Lake County Ditch Authority, along with the Red Lake County SWCD, will be working together prioritizing county ditch systems (based upon water quality degradation and the amount of sediment loading that is occurring in the ditch systems), targeting whe

Red Lake
Red Lake SWCD
2015 Fiscal Year Funding Amount
Fund Source

Red Lake County Soil and Water Conservation District (SWCD) has targeted water quality improvement projects to twelve sites in the Black River, Cyr Creek, and Red Lake River Sub-Watersheds of the Red Lake River Watershed. Data analysis obtained from a variety of models identified which sub-watersheds were contributing to impairments, highlighted which fields in those sub-watersheds were contributing the most sediment, and even showed specific locations in the field which were most vulnerable to erosion.

Red Lake
Red Lake SWCD
2015 Fiscal Year Funding Amount
Fund Source

The Clearwater River from the Lost River to Beau Gerlot Creek and from the Lower Badger Creek to the Red Lake River is on the Total Maximum Daily Load Impaired Waters List for Turbidity. Red Lake County Soil and Water Conservation District (SWCD) has targeted five sites in the Terrebonne Creek, Beau Gerlot Creek, and Lower Badger Creek subwatersheds of the Clearwater River Watershed; with the potential of an additional five to ten more projects, based on data analysis obtained from a number of models.

Red Lake
Faribault County SWCD
2015 Fiscal Year Funding Amount
Fund Source

The Faribault Soil and Water Conservation District will provide mini-grants to conservation-conscious community organizations who voluntarily construct best management practices that provide storage and treatment of stormwater runoff at its source.

Mississippi Headwaters Board
2015 Fiscal Year Funding Amount
Fund Source

The grant will use local data to develop stormwater planning options that prioritize, target, and measure the effectiveness of Best Management Practices and allow local city officials to make decisions on stormwater Best management Practices that reduce pollutants in the stormwatershed.

Crow Wing
Dakota SWCD
2015 Fiscal Year Funding Amount
Fund Source

This project will use the Dakota County Soil and Water Conservation District's existing Conservation Initiative Funding program to provide technical assistance and monetary incentives for targeted, medium-sized projects such as raingardens, bioinfiltration, biofiltration, bioswales, shoreline stabilizations, and other best management practices (BMPs). Project proposals will be solicited from faith based organizations, homeowner associations, school organizations, lake associations, and others that own or manage large areas of land.

Pomme de Terre River Association JPB
2015 Fiscal Year Funding Amount
Fund Source

The Pomme de Terre River Association has targeted and identified specific areas and activities required for marked water quality improvement. This project will implement of 16 Water and Sediment Control Basins (WASCOBs), 28 Rain Gardens, 2 Shoreline/ Stream bank stabilization, 10 Waste Pit Closures, 1 Terrace Project, and the enrollment of 1900 acres into conservation practices. These practices in total will directly result in site-specific and watershed-dependent reductions of 17,801 tons of sediment and 17,784 pounds of phosphorous from entering surface waters yearly in the watershed.

Big Stone
Otter Tail
2015 Fiscal Year Funding Amount
Fund Source

The City of Glenwood Water Quality Assessment & Best Management Practice Prioritization Project will include an assessment and analysis of approximately 1,796 acres affecting water quality and contributing runoff to Lake Minnewaska. By implementing this water quality analysis and assessment of the City of Glenwood and sub watersheds, a reducing pollutants by 1,287 pounds per year of phosphorus and 203 tons per year of sediment.

2014 Fiscal Year Funding Amount
Fund Source
Pennington SWCD
2014 Fiscal Year Funding Amount
Fund Source
Area II Minnesota River Basin Projects, Inc.
2014 Fiscal Year Funding Amount
Fund Source
Winona SWCD
2015 Fiscal Year Funding Amount
Fund Source
Scott County WMO
2015 Fiscal Year Funding Amount
Fund Source
Nicollet SWCD
2015 Fiscal Year Funding Amount
Fund Source
2015 Fiscal Year Funding Amount
Fund Source
Chisago SWCD
2015 Fiscal Year Funding Amount
Fund Source
Crow River Organization of Water
2015 Fiscal Year Funding Amount
Fund Source
Conservation Corps MN & IA
2016 Fiscal Year Funding Amount
Fund Source
Nobles SWCD
2015 Fiscal Year Funding Amount
Fund Source

The Targeted Bacterial Impairment Reduction Project will reduce bacterial loading by 87% on the Elk Creek Tributary a priority site on the Rock River.

2015 Fiscal Year Funding Amount

Como Park Zoo and Conservatory is one of the top visited cultural destinations in the state of Minnesota, with over 2 million visitors each year, because it’s free, interactive, welcoming, and accessible for families. Como Park Zoo and Conservatory celebrates diversity in many forms, across cultures, ethnicity, economics and generations and visitors come from all over the state.

2015 Fiscal Year Funding Amount

This funding will improve our collection of artifacts representing Minnesota's cultural heritage and create new forms of statewide cultural heritage educational opportunities for audiences of all ages.

To learn more about the Science Museum of Minnesota, click here.

2015 Fiscal Year Funding Amount

Per Minnesota Law, 2013, Chapter 137, Art. 4, Sec. 2, Subd. 6 (i), this funding is for grants to the Minnesota Public Television Association for production and acquisition grants accordance to Minnesota Statutes.

KSMQ Public Television, Austin

KAWE Lakeland Public Television, Brainered/Bemidji

KTCA Twin Cities Public Television, Saint Paul

Zumbro Watershed Partnership
2016 Fiscal Year Funding Amount
Fund Source

The Zumbro River Watershed Pollutant Load Monitoring Network (WPLMN) project will continue existing efforts to calculate seasonal pollutant loads for the Root River. The Zumbro Watershed Partnership (ZWP) along with Olmsted County Environmental Services will assist the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) with water quality monitoring and pollutant load calculations of four sub-watershed sites. Approximately 50 grab samples per site (total of 200) between ice-out and October 31 of 2016 and 2017 will be collected along with field measurements and observations.

Capitol Region WD
2020 Fiscal Year Funding Amount
Fund Source
Fillmore SWCD
2020 Fiscal Year Funding Amount
Fund Source
Shell Rock River WD
2020 Fiscal Year Funding Amount
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Buffalo-Red River WD
2020 Fiscal Year Funding Amount
Fund Source
Stearns SWCD
2016 Fiscal Year Funding Amount
Fund Source

This project will work to address the nutrient impairment of Two Rivers Lake through the installation of targeted best management practices as prioritized in the Two Rivers Lake Targeted Conservation Practice Plan (funded through a 2014 SEDLCP CWF Grant). The goal of this project is to implement erosion control practices within three agricultural priority subwatersheds with existing erosion concerns and also to install urban water quality practices in two of the identified sub watersheds within the City of Albany.

Pelican River WD
2016 Fiscal Year Funding Amount
Fund Source
Polk, East SWCD
2016 Fiscal Year Funding Amount
Fund Source