Sibley SWCD will implement a cost share program aimed at providing financial assistance to landowners to seal abandoned or unused wells, as directed by the 2013-2023 Sibley County Water Plan. Priority will be given to wells in areas that are highly vulnerable.
Governor Mark Dayton's landmark buffer initiative was signed into law in 2015. The law establishes new perennial vegetation buffers of up to 50 feet along rivers, streams, and ditches that will help filter out phosphorus, nitrogen, and sediment. The new law provides flexibility and financial support for landowners to install and maintain buffers. For grants to Soil and Water Conservation Districts to ensure compliance with riparian buffer or alternate practice requirements for state required buffers and soil erosion law.
These funds will be utilized in cost-share for landowners to install Agricultural Best Management Practices following Little Rock Lake TMDL Implementation Plan. Example of projects include Feedlot Improvements, Waste Storage Facilities, Erosion Control BMPs, Filter Strips and Streambank Stabilizations. An estimated 830 pounds per year of phosphorus and 800 tons of sediment will be reduced annually.
This project will create a culvert inventory for Cook County, Minnesota. The inventory will include the minimum data required in the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources ?Stream Crossing Basic Assessment Form? to be consistent with inventory work being done statewide and in other CWF grant projects such as the Lake County culvert inventory. While the watersheds in northeast Minnesota contain some of the least-polluted waters in the state, development and climate change pose an increased threat to aquatic resources if culverts are not installed, retrofitted, or replaced properly.
The Chisago Lakes Chain of Lakes watershed in southern Chisago County is made up of 18 lakes and outlets to the St. Croix River through the Sunrise River. The top 20 urban and rural projects around North and South Center Lakes that are identified in the Rural Subwatershed Assessment and Urban Stormwater Retrofit Analysis reports will be the top priority of this application. The goal is a phosphorus reduction of 100 pounds (4%) to North and South Center Lakes.