Design, engineer, & implement improvements associated with the ongoing restoration of Hall's Island and the creation of a park on the Scherer site, including bridge and boardwalk access to the island, trails, pathways, canoe/kayak launching and other river access, shoreline restoration, stormwater management, buildings, earthwork, informational signage, & visitor comfort facilities
Funding would be used to match an authorized State G.O. Bond to implement public infrastructure and a new park on the Upper Harbor Terminal site. Funding activities would include design, engineering, trails, plazas, recreational amenities, natural areas, shoreline restoration, and other elements called for in the park's adopted master plan. The primary intended outcome is to create publicly accessible Mississippi River waterfront, which has never existed in this location nor is widely available in north and northeast Minneapolis.
Implement various aspects of the River First Plan for Above the Falls Regional Park, including, potentially, riverside park spaces at Upper Harbor Terminal, extended trail connections, bridge retrofits for pedestrian and bicycle access to trails, a river overlook and critical trail gap at 26th Avenue North, and shoreline restoration on MPRB-owned property throughout the corridor. Funded work could include design, engineering, administration, earthwork, trails, shoreline enhancement, natural areas, buildings, comfort facilities, interpretive facilities, and signage.
Provided for an increase in public service, security and enforcement, maintenance and custodial work at high participation locations during the first two fiscal years of Legacy.
This project will restore and manage native prairies and woodlands, including removal of invasive species along at least six percent of the developed miles of state trails
Above the Falls Regional Park, acquire parcel including acquisition construction for surveys, site investigations, title review, appraisals, environmental assessment, clean-up, demolition, site utilities, related design and engineering, and project management.