Acquire 21-acre Union Pacific parcel for Scott County Regional Trail
Acquire 21-acre Union Pacific parcel for Scott County Regional Trail
Scott County Regional Trail
Sec. 3. METROPOLITAN COUNCIL$12,641,000$15,140,000
(a) $12,641,000 the first year and $15,140,000 the second year are from the parks and trails fund to be distributed as required under new Minnesota Statutes, section 85.535, subdivision 3, except that of this amount, $40,000 the first year is for a grant to Hennepin County to plant trees along the Victory Memorial Parkway.
(b) The Metropolitan Council shall submit a report on the expenditure and use of money appropriated under this section to the legislature as provided in Minnesota Statutes, section 3.195, by March 1 of each year. The report must detail the outcomes in terms of additional use of parks and trails resources, user satisfaction surveys, and other appropriate outcomes.
(c) Grant agreements entered into by the Metropolitan Council and recipients of money appropriated under this section shall ensure that the funds are used to supplement and not substitute for traditional sources of funding.
(d) The implementing agencies receiving appropriations under this section shall give consideration to contracting with the Minnesota Conservation Corps for contract restoration, maintenance, and other activities.
Project completed.
Metropolitan Council