Assesss current data sources and preliminary information about the conditions in the watershed and present the information through bibliographies, abstracts and memos.
This Corridor Habitat Restoration Project is a cooperative effort between the District (WRWD), MN Board of Soil and Water Resources (MNBWSR), MN DNR, and Red River Watershed Management Board (RRWMB). This is a voluntary program with the long-term goal to restore a natural corridor area along the Lower Reach of the Wild Rice River. When completed, the project will restore 23 channelized river miles to 50 miles of natural stream channel.
The Bird’s Eye Lake AMA acquisition has been completed. A portion of the land cost had come from this
appropriation, the 2016 Aquatic Habitat OHF appropriation, and by gifts matched with RIM Critical Habitat. This
tract consists of 52 acres, of which 5 acres are being reported on under this appropriation, as to not double count
The Wilder Foundation Archive was made more accessible to the public as a result of building on initial efforts by organizing and preserving fifty-nine (59) cubic feet of archival materials. The materials were inventoried and digitized, preservation issues were addressed and remedied and finding aids were created and made available. Some historic documents were donated to the Minnesota Historical Society, the University of Minnesota Social Work Archive, Stillwater Historical Society and the NPRHA Archives East End.
Increasing wildfires in Minnesota are mobilizing mercury and degrading water in wilderness lakes, potentially causing increased mercury concentrations in fish. We will develop approaches to protect our lakes and fish.
Overall Project Outcome and Results
Wildlife is an integral part of the complex interrelationship between human, animal, and environmental health, yet there is no centralized system for collection of wildlife health data. The study of wildlife health is limited by the logistics and expenses involved with sample acquisition. Wildlife rehabilitation centers represent an untapped resource as they admit a larger number of wild animals with a greater variety of species than any other resource.
This program acquired, developed, and added 638 acres to the state Wildlife Management Area (WMA) system. These lands protect habitat and provide opportunities for public hunting, trapping and compatible outdoor uses consistent with the Outdoor Recreation Act (M.S. 86A.05, Subd.8).
This program acquired priority lands and developed them as Wildlife Management Areas (WMA) - six parcels protected totaling over 600 acres, Scientific and Natural Areas (SNA) - one parcel of 900 acres (287 acres credited to this funding ), and Native Prairie Bank (NPB) easements - two parcels totaling almost 200 acres. These lands protect habitat and some provide public hunting, trapping and compatible outdoor uses.
A total of 62 grade stabilization structures and 13.5 miles of continuous berms will be constructed and become a permanent part of County Ditches 9 and 10. An additional 100 acres of buffers will be seeded beyond those required by law. Together these practices will reduce peak flows into the county ditches, provide better erosion control, reduce sediment, improve water quality and reduce future drainage system maintenance costs. The project will reduce 595 tons of sediment per year from the CD 9 & 10 watersheds to the Rabbit River. This is 18 percent of the Rabbit River TMDL goal.
To upgrade the fair’s stage lighting and provide arts and cultural performances and demonstrations. The Wilkin County Fair will enhance their lighting system on the Free Stage. The fair’s plan is to make the stage a major part of the fair and offers dance, polka, jazz, bluegrass, folk swing choir performances, along with educational demonstrations, such as spinning llama wool.
May Lee-Yang will collaborate with local Hmong filmmakers to produce two 30-minute episodes of Hmong Organization, a comedy web series about a Hmong nonprofit and the people who work there. The completed episodes will be made available for free on Youtube.
This project entailed the reconstruction and resurfacing of 0.4 miles of the segment of the Willard Munger State Trail that spans from Grand Avenue to 93rd Avenue in Duluth, MN.
This project entailed reconstruction and resurfacing of 1.1 miles of the segment of the Willard Munger State Trail that spans the trail terminus to Grand Avenue in Duluth.
To hire a qualified architect to conduct a condition assessment of the C. E. Williams House, Mora, MN, listed in the National Register of Historic Places.
To contract with qualified professionals to prepare construction documents for the preservation of the 1902 C.E. Williams House, listed in the National Register of Historic Places.
This project replaced lighting park-wide to lower energy using alternatives, including compact fluorescents and LED. With this project, we are expecting to see a 20% reduction in energy use within the park.
To hire a qualified consultant to conduct an architectural study of the windows in the Brown County Historical Society building, listed in the National Register of Historic Places.
The WinLaC Prioritization and Public Participation Project will identify priority water quality issues and concerns for the watershed approach in the Mississippi River - Winona and La Crescent watersheds. Information obtained from this project will help develop the Watershed Restoration and Protection Strategy (WRAPS) Update report as well the WinLaC Comprehensive Watershed Management Plan.
This project will continue the development of a Pre-Watershed Restoration and Protection Strategy (WRAPS) assessment, evaluation, community outreach and involvement, and development project that will provide for a comprehensive and more successful watershed restoration approach.
This project will produce a final Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) report and Watershed Restoration and Projection Strategy (WRAPS) reports for the Winnebago and Mississippi River – La Crescent watersheds including the drafting of public notice versions of the reports, responding to comments during the public notice period and producing the final TMDL and WRAPS reports.
To hire a qualified consultant to develop a Historic Structure Report that will help preserve the Winona Public Library, listed in the National Register of Historic Places.