1. Contract Ojibwe Language Consultant(s) to work within our White Earth Child Care and White Earth Head Start programs to provide support and guidance in Ojibwe Language Development for our youngest learners.
A collaboration between the Bois Forte Band of Chippewa and the White Earth Nation. The long term goal of this grant is to build whole families of first generation speakers. The short-term goals are to enable the partners to continue forward with their language revitalization efforts by providing digital media support, purchase digital high definition audio and video equipment. Additionally, they will host an elders and youth gathering.
2010 Grant Activities
Recording of 1st speakers. Webmaster hired to maintain language website. Conduct two half day gatherings for 1st Generation speakers.
1.) Develop and create an Ojibwe Language Resource Kit for our White Earth Ojibwemowin Teachers who have attained Eminence. 2.) Provide technology for Ojibwemowin Teachers to utilize language apps and programs in the classroom during community gatherings. 3.) White Earth will purchase a block of Rosetta Stone Level 1 Ojibwemowin subscriptions for Enrollees and Non-Enrollees. 4.) White Earth will establish virtual weekly community Language Tables. 5.) White Earth will establish virtual weekly Teacher language tables, closed to the public.
Testing of best biocontrol microbes for controlling white nose syndrome (WNS) in bats: Mapping of fungal pathogen in environmental reservoirs and field testing with biological control candidates.
Project goals include installation of a 200-kW White Earth community-owned solar garden reducing GHG emissions, increasing economic development through environmental education and solar workforce training, and improving energy resilience.
Develop and create an Ojibwe Language Resource Kit for our White Earth Ojibwemowin Teachers who have attained Eminence. Provide technology for Ojibwemowin Teachers to utilize language apps and programs in the classroom and during community gatherings. White Earth will establish virtual weekly community Language Tables. White Earth will establish virtual weekly Teacher language tables, closed to the public.
Develop and create an Ojibwe Language Resource Kit for our White Earth Ojibwemowin Teachers who have attained Eminence. Provide technology for Ojibwemowin Teachers to utilize language apps and programs in the classroom and during community gatherings. White Earth will establish virtual weekly community Language Tables. White Earth will establish virtual weekly Teacher language tables, closed to the public.
The DNR is directed by Minnesota Law 2016, Chapter 172, Article 2, Section 12 to request proposals for a potential design-build project to augment White Bear Lake with water from East Vadnais Lake.
Our project aims to better understand white-tailed deer movement, habitat use, and disease dynamics at the suburban/agricultural interface to inform more efficient deer management and disease control.
Within Whitewater River Watershed, groundwater is the primary drinking water source for both private and community wells. These drinking water aquifers often lack adequate protective layers making them vulnerable to contamination. Unused wells can deteriorate and pose a serious risk to groundwater quality by providing a pathway for contaminants from the surface to easily travel into groundwater. This project will use cost-share funds to incentivize sealing twelve abandoned wells that are contamination risks to vulnerable aquifers.
To produce a one-hour documentary on the history of the laborers who constructed the Minnesota State Capitol, listed in the National Register of Historic Places, based on thorough and completed research.
Our mission is to provide high quality early childhood experiences in conjunction with Ojibwe and Dakota language immersion to urban families in the Twin Cities area.
Wicoie Nandagikendan Early Childhood Urban Immersion Project provides a 3-hour-a-day preschool language immersion experience. It builds on the integral connections between culture, literacy, and educational attainment. The project partners with existing programs to provide fluent speakers and language curriculum.
1.) WETCC Cultural Director will identify facilitators, coordinate dates, events, location, agenda and professional development credit for participant and utilize WETCC co-curricular assessment to capture and assess data. 2.) WETCC Cultural Director will identify and coordinate dates, location, facilitatory, agenda, food, advertisement and Professional Development Certificates for participants.
1.) WETCC Cultural Director will identify facilitators, coordinate dates, events, location, agenda and professional development credit for participant and utilize WETCC co-curricular assessment to capture and assess data. 2.) WETCC Cultural Director will identify and coordinate dates, location, facilitatory, agenda, food, advertisement and Professional Development Certificates for participants.
Wild bees are important for their pollination services and for their contribution to species diversity; for example, many prairie-grassland plant species require pollinators for seed production. However, while the importance of plant-pollinator interactions is well recognized, there are large gaps in our knowledge of Minnesota’s wild bees. The only statewide list of bee species was published in 1919 and it reported only 88 species, whereas it is currently estimated that there are approximately 350-400 native bee species in the state.
This Phase 5 continuation of the Wild Rice Shoreland Protection Program will utilize permanent conservation easements to protect 500 acres, translating to approximately 3 miles of wild rice shoreland habitat. Sites are selected through an integrative ranking process that considers development risk, surrounding land use, habitat value, and numerous other criteria. BWSR will utilize the RIM Easement process in partnership with 12 local SWCDs within the Northern Forest and Forest/Prairie Transition Sections during the appropriation term.
This Phase 7 continuation of the Wild Rice Shoreland Protection Program will utilize permanent conservation easements to protect 660 acres and approximately 3.5 miles of wild rice shoreland habitat. Development trends pose a serious threat to wild rice habitat, and sites are selected through an integrative ranking process that considers development risk, surrounding land use, habitat value, and numerous other criteria. BWSR will utilize the RIM Easement process in partnership with 14 local SWCDs within the Northern Forest and Forest Prairie Transition.
Project outcomes include results from hydroponics experiments, which will likely consist of information on the response of wild rice growth to a range of concentrations of sulfate, sulfide, and various cations. Results from these experiments will be used to help determine what additional research is needed in 2013. The MPCA will use this data to evaluate the current sulfate standard and the need, if any, for modifications to it.
Project outcomes include data that will ultimately allow the MPCA to quantitatively compare the environmental conditions (surface water and sedimentary geochemistry) at sites that successfully support wild rice growth to sites that do not support wild rice. These data, in particular the analysis of the porewater samples obtained under this project, will be compared to the results from a separate project that will assess the growth of wild rice using hydroponic methods.
The MPCA is currently collecting additional information needed to evaluate the 10 mg/liter wild-rice-based sulfate standard and has received funding through legislation passed during the 2011 Special Session to implement a wild rice research plan and contract with scientific experts to further understand the effects of sulfate on the growth of wild rice. The goal of this project is to determine responses of wild rice to sulfate and the products of geochemical transformations of sulfate.
This project makes an additional plant growth chamber available to increase efficiency for the MPCA Wild Rice Standards Study, which is gathering information about the effects of sulfate on the growth of wild rice.
The goal of this project is to collect and analyze samples from lake, stream, wild rice paddy, and experimental field sites across a spectrum of sulfate concentrations and wild rice plant abundance. The scientific information developed will be part of the evidence used by the MPCA in its decision as to whether or not a change to the existing sulfate standard is necessary, and if so, what the revised standard should be.
The MPCA is undertaking a study to investigate the potential effects of elevated sulfate on the growth of wild rice. One high-priority hypothesis is that the conversion of sulfate to sulfide in anoxic subsurface sediment may harm the roots of wild rice, either directly, or indirectly. The goal of this project is To observe and develop an understanding of exposure of wild rice roots to changes in concentration of sulfide and related chemicals over time and space (depth of sediment and distance from roots).
This project will provide lab analyses and interpretation required for 2012 wild rice field survey. The 2012 lab analyses will be merged with the 2011 field survey data and determine what additional work, if any, is needed during the 2013 field season.
The MDH Environmental Laboratory provides essential analyses of water for the MPCA Wild Rice Standards Study, which is gathering information about the effects of sulfate on the growth of wild rice. For this study, the lab developed a ultra-sensitive test for hydrogen sulfide, which greatly facilitated the research. For this large study, the lab staff analyzed several thousand water and sediment samples from lakes, wetlands, rivers, rice paddies, experimental mesocosms, and hydroponic experiments.
Twenty six easements protecting 1,173.3 were recorded which exceeded the original proposal by 173 acres (15%). 11.6 miles of shoreline were protected which exceeded the 8 acre goal by 30%. Total expenditure was $1,355,000 which was 17% lower than originally budgeted. No fee-title land acquisition opportunities on wild rice lakes that fit within DNR and other government agency land plans were available during this time period thus DU did not expend any of the $100,000 budgeted for fee-title acquisition. Instead the program focused on RIM easements.
This project builds on the successful implementation of previous work, installing 29 water and sediment control basins and 25 acres of vegetative filter strips within the priority Marsh Creek watershed to reduce sediment loading into the Wild Rice River, which is currently not meeting water quality standards for sediment.
Phase 2 of the Wild Rice River Watershed Restoration and Protection Strategy (WRAPS) project includes: continued civic engagement; production of the Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) study, which allocates pollutant load reductions for impaired waters; and production of the WRAPS report, which identifies implementation strategies that will maintain or improve water quality in many lakes and streams throughout the watershed.
This Phase III continuation of the Wild Rice Shoreland Protection project acquired 98 acres for Yaeger Lake Wildlife Management Area (total acquisition was 285 acres but a portion was funded with other LSOHC money, only the portion funded with this grant is reported here) and 14 RIM easements protecting 600 acres for a total of 698 acres of wild rice shoreland habitat in the Northern Forest Section. This exceeded this Phases overall goal by acres for RIM.