Naturally occurring arsenic can make groundwater unsafe for drinking. Before going to the expense of drilling a well and sampling the water for arsenic, it would benefit public health to be able to predict the level of arsenic in groundwater in a certain area. A special research project with the U.S. Geological Survey is designed to develop the capacity to assess local geological conditions, related groundwater chemistry and well construction factors in three counties in order to predict the levels of arsenic found in groundwater related to those variables.
AC3 will create two art-building workshops for indigenous youth and their families. The work itself will focus on the lives and stories of missing or murdered indigenous women (MMIW) in Minnesota. The workshops will be co-hosted with Anishinaabe Academy (AA) and the Minnesota Indian Women’s Resource Center (MIWRC). At both events, students, their parents, and their siblings will be trained in silk screening production, will manufacture printed fabric and paper arts together, and will be educated in Native American history, culture, and contemporary experiences.
The Minnesota State Legislature asked the Minnesota Humanities Center to award arts and cultural heritage grants to children’s museums, including through a competitive grant process. A portion of each appropriation was reserved by the Humanities Center for direct expenses related to administering the grant. Should any portion of this reserve be unused, the difference will be awarded to the respective museums.
The Council on Asian Pacific Minnesotans in collaboration with the Minnesota Humanities Center will fund arts and cultural heritage programming to educate, highlight, and promote understanding of the arts and cultural heritage of Asian American and Pacific Islanders (AAPI) for all Minnesotans.
The Minnesota State Legislature asked the Minnesota Humanities Center to award arts and cultural heritage grants to children’s museums, including through a competitive grant process. A small portion of each appropriation was reserved by the Humanities Center for direct expenses related to administering the grant. Should any portion of this reserve be unused, the difference will be awarded to the respective museums.
The Minnesota State Legislature asked the Minnesota Humanities Center to award arts and cultural heritage grants to civics organizations. A small portion of each appropriation was reserved by the Humanities Center for direct expenses related to administering the grant. Should any portion of this reserve be unused, the difference will be awarded to the respective organizations.
The Minnesota State Legislature asked the Minnesota Humanities Center to award arts and cultural heritage grants to the American Indian, immigrant, Hmong, and Somali communities through the competitive grant process. A small portion of the appropriation was reserved by the Humanities Center for direct expenses related to administering the grant.
Per Minnesota Law, the Minnesota Humanities Center administers the Arts and Cultural Heritage Children's Museum Grants. The Humanities Center uses a portion of the funds to provide grants administration, including overseeing the proposal process, agreement drafting, financial and program monitoring, and reporting.
Per Minnesota Law, the Minnesota Humanities Center administers programs, named and competitive, related to cultural heritage in Minnesota. The Humanities Center uses a portion of the funds to provide grants administration, including overseeing the proposal process, agreement drafting, financial and program monitoring, and reporting.
During the 2015 Legislative Session, the Minnesota State Legislature asked the Minnesota Humanities Center to award arts and cultural heritage grants to civics organizations. Legacy funds are appropriated to the Humanities Center to support such work. A small portion of each appropriation was reserved by the Humanities Center for direct expenses related to administering the grant. Should any portion of this reserve be unused, the difference will be awarded to the respective organizations.
Per Minnesota Law, the Minnesota Humanities Center administers the Arts and Cultural Heritage Children's Museum Grants. The Humanities Center uses a portion of the funds to provide grants administration, including overseeing the proposal process, agreement drafting, financial and program monitoring, and reporting.
During the 2016 Legislative Session, the Minnesota State Legislature asked the Minnesota Humanities Center to award arts and cultural heritage grants to civics organizations. Legacy funds are appropriated to the Humanities Center to support such work. A small portion of each appropriation was reserved by the Humanities Center for direct expenses related to administering the grant. Should any portion of this reserve be unused, the difference will be awarded to the respective organizations. Specific funds information not available; named recipients have not yet submitted proposals.
There is a critical need to understand how our natural resources are already responding to climate change in order to develop tools for projecting natural resource responses into the future and to devise plans for actions that can be taken in reaction to observed and predicted changes. Phenology – the timing of seasonal biological events such as budburst, flowering, bird migration, and leaf coloring – provides a tested indicator of climate change response by plants and animals.
Over a three-month period in 2010, approximately five million barrels of oil was spilled into the Gulf of Mexico causing extensive damage to marine and wildlife habitats and resulting in significant losses in fish and wildlife populations. A number of Minnesota's migratory bird species spend parts of their lives in the areas impacted by the spill and impacts on their populations in the state could become evident over time.
The objective of the present proposal is to assess and provide remedy to the urgent problem of microscopic plastic particles polluting water bodies in Minnesota.
This project is a continuation of Statewide Lake study that revealed the obiquitous presence of endrocrine active compounds (EACs) in many MN Lakes. The initial project findings suggested two potential knowledge gaps in our understanding of EACs and their effects in lake environments. First, the sources of EACs and their entrance points into lakes need to be better defined than was possible in our previous statewide lake study.
Minnesota is currently revising its state-level Nutrient Reduction Strategy (NRS), which was originally completed in 2014. Since 2014, all watersheds in the state have completed Watershed Restoration and Protection Strategies (WRAPS). These technical strategies and reports have been used thus far by over two thirds of watersheds when developing comprehensive local water plans known as “One Watershed, One Plan” (1W1P).
This project will promulgate a nitrate water quality standard to address aquatic life toxicity, and gather information needed to support the development of total nitrogen (N) loading reduction strategies for Minnesota’s waters and also address Minnesota’s contribution to marine water hypoxia. Project will also develop a framework for a watershed nitrogen planning aid that can be used to optimize selection of Best Management Practice (BMP) systems for reducing nitrogen.
Ampers member stations are producing a variety of programs, documentaries and musical specials on Minnesota's arts, historical, and cultural heritage. The stations are also offering free public performances. The on-air projects are aired on member stations, shared with other stations in the network and archived on station websites and the Ampers website:
MNHS Press will publish a book showcasing MNHS' extensive collections of bandolier bags made and worn by several North American Indian tribes around the Great Lakes. The book will include a tour of Minnesota's seven Ojibwe reservations, showing bags associated with each area, and profiles of master beadworkers who provide personal insights into the work.