U.S.-Dakota War of 1862 Sesquicentennial
In 2012, the Minnesota Historical Society will commemorate the U.S.-Dakota War of 1862 through a variety of programs and methods, including online presentations, educational tools, published works, artwork, events and community outreach. Visit usdakotawar.org for a list of all initiatives.
Online resources will present a collection of oral histories and modern perspectives on Dakota life from Dakota elders. In addition, the Minnesota Historical Society Press (MHS Press)/Borealis Books will acquire stories from the community and research from experts about the history and language of the Dakota, including materials on the war and events leading up to and following it.
MHS Press has published Beginning Dakota, Beginning Dakota Teacher’s Edition and Beloved Child, to help people further understand the complex history of the Dakota in Minnesota.
(c) Programs. $3,000,000 in 2010 and $4,750,000 in 2011 are for programs and purposes related to the historical and cultural heritage of the state of Minnesota, conducted by the Minnesota Historical Society.