Legacy Profiles
Project Details by Fiscal Year
2011 Fiscal Year Funding Amount
Fund Source
Arts & Cultural Heritage Fund
Lakeland Public Television/KAWE
Recipient Type
Non-Profit Business/Entity
Start Date
July 2009
End Date
June 2011
Activity Type
Project Overview
This 30-minute magazine-style program showcases regional arts, history and cultural heritage events, people and places of significance. Legacy Profiles airs weeknights during primetime and is rebroadcast overnight and on weekends as weel as on Lakeland's LPLUS digital channel. Each episode is comprised of two to three major segments, each approximately seven to nine minutes in length. Topics include visual arts exhibits, pow wows, festivals, music and dance performances, and historic landmarks.
Competitive Grant Making Body
Project Details: 2011 Fiscal Year
2011 Fiscal Year Funding Amount
Proposed Measurable Outcome(s)
26 episodes in each state fiscal year
Measurable Outcome(s)
26 episodes in each state fiscal year
Project Details: 2010 Fiscal Year
Proposed Measurable Outcome(s)
26 episodes in each state fiscal year
Measurable Outcome(s)
26 episodes in each state fiscal year
Project Manager
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