Thiel Creek Streambank and Watershed Stabilization for Phosphorus Reduction
Thiel Creek is a designated trout stream in southern Stearns County and outlets into Lake Marie and Lake Louisa. Both lakes are impaired for nutrients. Thiel Creek is experiencing severe bank erosion and local residents have expressed concern about the excessive sedimentation entering the lakes. Most of this erosion is occurring on an approximate mile reach of the creek just upstream of the outlet into the lake.
This target area is all on property owned by one individual who is committed to taking action to reduce the erosion issues. Thiel Creek meanders through the project area and most of the erosion is occurring in the outside bends. There are nine streambank failure sites planned to be addressed through this project ranging from 10 feet to 35 feet of vertical elevation. Bioengineering methods will be utilized to stabilize the slopes and the areas of the bank experiencing failures. There will also be two water and sediment basins installed on the field to reduce the impact of overland flow off the field. The resulting reduction in sediment and nutrient loading into Lake Marie and Lake Louisa will help achieve the goals outlined in the Clearwater River Watershed District Watershed Protection and Improvement Plan.
Please reference following link:
Wayne Zellmer -BWSR Grants Coordinator; Matt Drewitz -BWSR South Region Clean Water Specialist; Jeff Hrubes -BWSR North Region Clean Water Specialist; Marcey Westrick -BWSR Metro Clean Water Specialist; Art Persons -MDH Planning Supervisor Drinking Water Protection; Terry Bovee -MDH Principal Planner Drinking Water Protection; Julie Westerlund -DNR Clean Water Coordinator; Dave Friedl -DNR Northern Region Clean Water Specialist; Joshua Stamper -MDA Research Scientist, Pesticide & Fertilizer Management; Dwight Wilcox -MDA Ag BMP Program Planner; Anna Kerr -MPCA -Stormwater / TMDL Coordinator;-DNR Central Region Clean Water Legacy Specialist; Karen Evens - MPCA -Watershed Projects Manager;
Nicole Clapp
Laws of Minnesota 2011, 1st Special Session, Chapter 6, Section 7, and Laws of Minnesota 2012, Chapter 264, Section 7
Reduce Phosphorus by 148 pounds/year and Sediment by 148 tons/year.
The source of additional funds varies from project to project, but generally consists of federal, local and non-public sources.