Small Towns/Rural Areas
Small Towns/Rural Areas
Chatfield "Music in the Park" summer concerts
Kjel Alkire: visual artist; Andrea Arnold: visual artist; Ben Assef: art business owner; John Becker: art business owner; Diane Crane: Houston Arts Resource Council; Julie Fakler: Paradise Center for the Arts; Lee Gundersheimer: theatre artist and director; Laura Helle: Austin Area Commission for the Arts; Elisha Marin: musician and arts educator; Drew Medin: musician; Kara Maloney: Lanesboro Arts; Jane Olive: costumer; Jon Swanson: Minnesota Marine Art Museum.
Hollybeth Anderson: choreographer; Dave Casey: visual arts administrator; David Kassler: composer; Ruth Lincoln: performing artist; Beth Nienow: musician and literary artist; Merritt Olsen: professional actor; Pamela Whitfield: literary artist and arts educator; Aaron Young: arts administrator and musician.
ACHF Arts Access
Minnesotans participate in the arts because arts experiences are relevant and accessible to them. Data Collection, Observed Behavior Change, Video/Audio Recordings.
The activities mostly achieved the proposed outcomes.
Other,local or private