Root River Conservation Drainage Integrated Whole Farm Designs
This project aims to mitigate flow and nitrate impacts from agricultural drainage to the Root River through the installation of a suite of multi-purpose drainage management practices.
An existing partnership among agencies, land grant institutions, non-governmental organizations, engineers, landowners and farm managers presented a unique opportunity to demonstrate and expand innovative conservation practices within the headwaters of the Root River Watershed near Grand Meadow, MN. This proposal increases filtration basin storage capacity, treats subsurface flow with managed drainage, and a woodchip bioreactor, and treats surface runoff with rock trench side inlets. Project partners will conduct outreach and evaluate the applicability of these practices throughout the area.
Nicole Clapp
This project will install an infiltration basin with a woodchip bioreactor, side -inlet controls, and drainage water management control structure to mitigate the impacts of agricultural drainage from a 388 acre watershed.
This project resulted in the installation of an infiltration basin with a woodchip bioreactor, side-inlet controls, and drainage water management control structure to mitigate the impacts of agricultural drainage from a 388 acre watershed.