Redwood-Cottonwood River Watersheds Prioritization Targeting Tool
The Redwood and Cottonwood River Watersheds have been assessed and many reaches have been impaired for turbidity, bacteria, and low dissolved oxygen. This project will accelerate conservation efforts to reduce overland runoff sediment, bacteria, and nutrient loadings contributing to water quality impairments in targeted subwatersheds.
Activities through this project seek to create a suite of maps showing focus areas based on environmental sensitivity variables through Geographic Information System analysis using precision LIDAR data. This analysis will be applied to create maps and datasets for distribution to partners in an effort to expedite funding to accelerate project implementation in the highest priority targeted areas of the Redwood and Cottonwood watersheds. Another goal of the project is to provide a means for organizational partners for prioritizing and targeting areas for future funding and restoration addressing pollutant reduction goals.
Please reference following link:
Wayne Zellmer -BWSR Grants Coordinator; Matt Drewitz -BWSR South Region Clean Water Specialist; Jeff Hrubes -BWSR North Region Clean Water Specialist; Marcey Westrick -BWSR Metro Clean Water Specialist; Art Persons -MDH Planning Supervisor Drinking Water Protection; Terry Bovee -MDH Principal Planner Drinking Water Protection; Julie Westerlund -DNR Clean Water Coordinator; Dave Friedl -DNR Northern Region Clean Water Specialist; Joshua Stamper -MDA Research Scientist, Pesticide & Fertilizer Management; Dwight Wilcox -MDA Ag BMP Program Planner; Anna Kerr -MPCA -Stormwater / TMDL Coordinator;-DNR Central Region Clean Water Legacy Specialist; Karen Evens - MPCA -Watershed Projects Manager;
Nicole Clapp
Laws of Minnesota 2011, 1st Special Session, Chapter 6, Section 7, and Laws of Minnesota 2012, Chapter 264, Section 7
1. Create a LiDAR dataset that can be used to develop accurate hydrologic characteristics of the watershed. 2. Assess existing watershed conditions and identify critical source areas using Stream Power Index, the Compound Topographic Index, and Environmental Benefit Index 3. Generate Priority Area Maps
The source of additional funds varies from project to project, but generally consists of federal, local and non-public sources.