Pomme de Terre WBIF FY21-22
PDTRA will use funding to carry out goals stated in the Comprehensive Watershed Management Plan. PDTRA has identified 5 priority areas to focus sediment & phosphorus reduction goals: Northern Lakes, Christina/Pelican Lakes, Pomme de Terre River Lakes Chain, Pomme de Terre River Corridor, & Drywood Creek. Planned practices include but are not limited to: water & sediment control basins, alternative tile intakes, waste pit closures, grade stabilizations, livestock exclusions, shoreline restorations & stabilizations, & cover crops. In Northern Lakes there will be 7 structural BMPs (reduce P by 9.0 lb/yr), 1 waste pit closure (reduce P by 75 lb/yr), 3 shoreline BMPs (reduce P by 0.6 lb/yr), & 60 acres of non-struct. BMPs (reduce P by 8.4 lb/yr). In Christina/Pelican Lakes there will be 6 structural BMPs (reduce P by 8.0 lb/yr), 1 waste pit closure (reduce P by 75 lb/yr), 16 shoreline BMPs (reduce P by 3.2 lb/yr), & 80 acres of non-struct. BMPs (reduce P by 11.2 lb/yr). In Pomme de Terre Lakes Chain, there will be 1 shoreline BMP (reduce P by 0.2 lb/yr). In Pomme de Terre River Corridor there will be 74 structural BMPs (reduce P by 88.8 lb/yr & sed by 495.8 ton/yr), & 50 acres of non-struct. BMPs (reduce P by 7.0 lb/yr & sed by 45.0 ton/yr). In Drywood Creek there will be 30 structural BMPs (reduce P by 36.0 lb/yr & sed by 189.0 ton/yr). Watershed wide, plans include 2 structural BMPs (reduce P by 2.6 lb/yr & sed by 13.0 ton/yr), 20 acres of non-struct. BMPs (reduce P by 2.8 lb/yr & sed by 16.0 ton/yr), at least 1 field day, 1 public workshop, 1 advisory group meeting, & development of a project tracking database. As a secondary benefit, cover crops will help achieve part of our altered hydrology 10-year goal. PD/TA, Edu & Outreach, & Grant Admin funds are needed to implement practices, engage landowners, & coordinate spending.
Annie Felix-Gerth
(Watershed Based Implementation Funding)(a) $13,591,000 the first year and $13,375,000 the second year are for performance-based grants with multiyear implementation plans to local government units. The grants may be used to implement projects that protect, enhance, and restore surface water quality in lakes, rivers, and streams; protect groundwater from degradation; and protect drinking water sources. Projects must be identified in a comprehensive watershed plan developed under the One Watershed, One Plan or metropolitan surface water management frameworks or groundwater plans. Grant recipients must identify a nonstate match and may use other legacy funds to supplement projects funded under this paragraph.
Reduce phosphorus by 327.8 lbs/yr; reduce sediment by 758.8 tons/yr.