Polk County Fair Arts and Cultural Heritage Grant

Project Details by Fiscal Year
2012 Fiscal Year Funding Amount
Fund Source
Arts & Cultural Heritage Fund
Polk County Fair Association
Recipient Type
Non-Profit Business/Entity
Start Date
April 2012
End Date
July 2012
Activity Type
Counties Affected
Project Overview

To add and enhance arts and cultural heritage programming by hosting an Irish Dance company and constructing new display cases and wall hangings to better view the Open Class exhibits.

Legal Citation / Subdivision
2011 Laws of Minnesota, Article 4, Section 2, Subdivison 10
Appropriation Language

These amounts are appropriated to the commissioner of agriculture for grants to county agricultural societies to enhance arts access and education and to preserve and promote Minnesota's history and cultural heritage as embodied in its county fairs. The grants shall be in addition to the aid distributed to county agricultural societies under Minnesota Statutes, section 38.02. The commissioner shall award grants as follows: (1) $700,000 each year distributed in equal amounts to each of the state's county fairs to enhance arts access and education and to preserve and promote Minnesota's history and cultural heritage;

2012 Fiscal Year Funding Amount
Other Funds Leveraged
Direct expenses
Proposed Measurable Outcome(s)

Track number of attendees.Interview some members of the audience.

Measurable Outcome(s)

The Irish dancers performed two shows and approximately 250 people attended each.  Seating area was occupied and well over 50 were standing at each show.  Many viewers suggested bringing the dancers back next year.The new display cases were popular and considered a good use of funds.

Source of Additional Funds

Polk County Fair

Recipient Board Members
Dan Grunhovd
Jerry Erickson
Michael Moore
Dan Skanson
Brian Nephew
John Thomforde
Tim Olson
Dale Erickson
Steve Taylor
Michelle Cote
David Johnstad
Paul Reese
Jackie Erickson
Brian Lindberg
Donna Rae Carlson
Robert Norland
Alan Olson
Erik Kanten
Project Manager
First Name
Last Name
Organization Name
Polk County Fair
Administered By
Administered by

625 Robert Street North
St. Paul, MN 55155

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