(Neo)Muralismos de México en Minnesota

Project Details by Fiscal Year
2023 Fiscal Year Funding Amount
Fund Source
Arts & Cultural Heritage Fund
(Neo)Muralismos de México
In Progress
Start Date
August 2022
End Date
July 2023
Activity Type
Counties Affected
St. Louis
St. Louis
Project Overview

Founded on the centennial of the Mexican Muralist movement, (Neo)Muralismos de México (NMM) aims to revitalize and reclaim our Mexican cultural heritage through culturally-specific, socially-informed, historically-grounded, and community-engaged public art. To this end, NMM will lead and coordinate 5 community-engaged muralism and public art projects that will uplift our cultural heritage around the state, including projects in the Twin Cities, Duluth, Red Wing, and Austin, MN.

Legal Citation / Subdivision
MN Laws 2021, First Special Session Chapter 1, Article 4, Section 2, Subdivision 8 (d)
Appropriation Language

2022-2023 Cultural Heritage and Community Identity Grants - Spring 2022

2023 Fiscal Year Funding Amount
Direct expenses
Proposed Measurable Outcome(s)

Measurable outcomes include: -- Increased awareness about Mexican art traditions (75% or more of survey respondents agree) -- Increased connection to cultural heritage (75% or more of survey respondents agree) -- Increased connection to place and feeling welcome (75% or more of survey respondents agree) -- Community participation rates (at least 3,000 community participants) -- Increased partnerships (5-10 new partnerships developed) -- Expansion of geographic reach (at least 3 public art projects created in Greater Minnesota) Evaluation methods include: -- Participant surveys -- Informal dialogue -- Group conversations with artists and stakeholders -- Tracking numbers of participants.

Measurable Outcome(s)

Minneapolis: In fall 2022, we collaborated with CLUES, COPAL, Festival de las Calaveras, Waite House, etc, to offer community workshops on an ongoing basis, as well as art installations at Midtown Global Market and Squirrel Art Haus, public events in South Minneapolis during Days of the Dead, and an art happening on Lake St, Bloomington Ave, and surrounding area (Mercado Central, Midtown Global Market, Greenway, etc). Estimated total audience is 3,000 people. In spring 2023, we are continuing this work with Waite House, Minnesota Immigrant Movement, etc, offering workshops twice a week at Waite House, and participating in the May Day Parade in South Minneapolis, as well as the Cinco de Mayo Parade on the West Side of Saint Paul, and an event at the high school in Apple Valley. Estimated total audience is 4,000 people. In summer 2023, we will continue with the workshops in South Minneapolis twice a week, and we hope to culminate this work with larger public celebrations during Hispanic Heritage Month (starting Sep 15). Twin Cities: NMM created a commemorative poster celebrating the 20-year anniversary of the Palabristas collective. NMM participated in the celebration event on September 9, and we received a public acknowledgement and thank you for our work. About 200 people were in attendance. Banner / movable mural is in the works. Austin: NMM participated in the Austin Artworks Festival at the end of August 2022, and offered papier-maché, mask-making, and coloring activities to children and adults. Estimated 600 participants. Flor Soto and NMM ED Aaron Johnson-Ortiz have been working on mural design since January 2023, and the design was approved in April by the City of Austin. It is a mural that will be created on the exterior wall of the building adjacent to the City Pool. In early May 2023, Flor and Aaron participated in a community festival (Taste of Nations ), where some 400 community participants helped paint the first elements in the mural (a giant sun). Aaron is working with Flor Soto every week to move this project forward. Mural is planned to be installed this summer. Red Wing: In September 2022, NMM participated in the Hispanic Heritage Festival of Goodhue County, and offered 6 different art activities to the community (coloring, Day of the Dead Altar, paper-flower making, repujado , and mask-making) to celebrate Hispanic Heritage month. Estimated attendance was 3,000 people.; The Proposed Measurable Outcomes of our project included: Increased awareness about Mexican art traditions (75% or more of survey respondents agree)Increased connection to cultural heritage (75% or more of survey respondents agree)Increased connection to place and feeling welcome (75% or more of survey respondents agree)Community participation rates (at least 3,000 community participants)Increased partnerships (5-10 new partnerships developed)Expansion of geographic reach (at least 3 public art projects created in Greater Minnesota) The results of our project include: (1) 89% of respondents said activities and arts presentations improved their understanding of Mexican and Latino culture. (2) 94% of respondents said activities and presentations increased their connection to their cultural heritage. (3) 89% of respondents said activities and presentations increased their connection to neighborhoods and cities where the art was presented. (4) Although it is difficult for us to estimate the exact number of community participants, we can confidently say that we exceeded the 3,000 target. We estimate at least 5,000 participants in various capacities. Project participation include: * Alebrijes bike project, estimated 100 workshop participants in Minneapolis in 2022 and 2023 * Alebrijes bike project, estimated 1,200 participants at 2023 festivals in Worthington, Austin, Saint Paul, Northfield, and Red Wing * Duluth public art installation, estimated 30 participants in community dialogue * Austin mural project, estimated 600 participants at three community festivals, 20 participants in volunteer roles, and 30 participants in community dialogue during ribbon-cutting ceremony * Day of the Dead community festivals in Minneapolis in fall 2022, estimated 800 community participants * Day of the Dead altar at MN State Capitol in fall 2022, estimated 1,000 community visitors participating in dialogue with artists * Unveiling of Palabristas poster in fall 2023, estimated 50 participants * Public art activities in Red Wing festival in Fall 2022, estimated 1,000 community participants * Arts and Crafts activities at Austin community festival in Aug 2022, estimated 500 community participants * Lake St Minneapolis activities in 2022 and 2023, estimated 400 participants (5) We exceeded our goal of 5-10 partnerships. Project partnerships included: * City of Austin, Minnesota (Arts and Culture Commission) * Austin Area Arts * Hispanic Outreach of Goodhue County (Red Wing) * Waite House (Minneapolis) * Midtown Global Market (Minneapolis) * COPAL (Minneapolis) * Worthington International Festival (Worthington) * Festival de las Calaveras (Minneapolis) * Palabristas (Twin Cities) * Minnesota Council of Latino Affairs (state-wide) * Office of Governor Walz * El Colegio (Minneapolis) * El Oasis del Norte Restaurant (Duluth) * etc (6) We exceeded our goal of 3 projects in Greater Minnesota: * New mural in Austin, Minnesota * Public art installation in Duluth, Minnesota * Public art activities at two community festivals in Red Wing, Minnesota * Community art activities in Duluth, MN * Alebrijes bike project activities in Worthington, Northfield, Red Wing, and Austin, MN

Source of Additional Funds

Thanks to the support of the Minnesota Humanities Center with a $60,913 grant, we were able to leverage an additional $87,262.53 in project funding for various aspects of the project (some funding extends before and or after MHC's project period): * Minnesota State Arts Board grant -- $25,000 (project period extends beyond MHC project period. ends on Nov 30, 2023) * Metropolitan Regional Arts Council grant -- $15,000 (project period extends beyond MHC project period. began on Jun 22, 2022) * Earned income contract with the City of Austin, Minnesota -- $10,000 (supported mural creation in Austin) * City of Minneapolis Office of Arts, Culture, and the Creative Economy artist grant -- $15,000 (supported work with Gustavo Boada in South Minneapolis. project period extends beyond MHC project period. began on Jul 1, 2022) * National Museum of Mexican Art funding -- $5,000 in 2022 (supported activities at MN State Capitol). and $2,500 in 2023 (supports international visiting artist activities in St Paul and Duluth on Sep 29 and 30. project period extends beyond MHC project period. ends on Dec 1, 2023). * Hispanic Outreach of Goodhue County -- $7,000 in 2022 and $2,000 in 2023 (supported festival activities in Red Wing) * Worthington International Festival -- $1,924.53 (supported festival activities in Worthington) * Austin Area Arts -- $2,338 in 2022 and $1,500 in 2023 (supports community engagement activities in Austin) Thanks to the support of the Minnesota Humanities Center with a $60,913 grant, we were able to leverage in-kind institutional support estimated at $18,813.91. * Waite House (Minneapolis) meals for workshop participants -- $3,750 * Waite House (Minneapolis) staff support for workshops -- $5,000 * Waite House (Minneapolis) usage of space for workshops -- $5,000 * East Side Freedom Library (St Paul) fiscal sponsorship -- $4,263.91 * COPAL (Minneapolis) free space usage and staff support for workshop -- $500 * CLUES (St Paul & Mpls) free transportation of large alebrije bikes -- $300. Total additional funds secured, including in-kind: $64,200* Total additional funds used, including in-kind: $20,200* NMM has secured a $25,000 grant from the Minnesota State Arts Board for this project Additionally, funds that have been secured in support of the 5 projects are: (1) Minneapolis Public Art & Day of the Dead. * $15,000 in-kind funds secured in partnership with artists Gustavo Boada and Aaron Johnson-Ortiz through the "Creative Response" Grant through the City of Minneapolis Office of Art, Culture, and the Creative Economy. (2) Twin Cities Palabristas Banner/Mural. * No additional funds secured. (3) Due to unforeseen circumstances, we have been unable to pursue our proposed project in Duluth. Our small business partner in Duluth has been unable to open his restaurant due to delays in permitting, and so we have been unable to work on this project. For this reason, we developed an alternative public art project -- In November of 2022, NMM installed the first-ever Day of the Dead Altar at the MN State Capitol. We secured an additional $5,000 grant from the National Museum of Mexican Art for this project. (4) Austin Public Art: * $2,200 fee-for-service contract with Austin Area Arts for participation in Austin Artworks Festival in Aug, 2022 * $10,000 from South East Minnesota Arts Council (SEMAC) for public art, through a contract with the City of Austin's Culture and Arts Commission. (5) Red Wing: * $7,000 fee-for-service contract with Hispanic Outreach of Goodhue County for participation in Hispanic Heritage Festival in Sep, 2022. *Funding dates for additional sources of revenue range from May 8, 2022 through November 30, 2023.

Recipient Board Members
Aaron Johnson-Ortiz, Executive Director

(Additional names unknown.); Teresa Ortiz
Angelica Klebsch
Liz Pangerl
Dr Bruce Campbell
Jesenia Morales
Aaron Johnson-Ortiz
Administered By
Administered by

987 Ivy Avenue East
St. Paul, MN 55106

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