Drainage Management Planning for Faribault County's Future.

Project Details by Fiscal Year
2013 Fiscal Year Funding Amount
Fund Source
Clean Water Fund
Faribault Soil and Water Conservation District
Recipient Type
Local/Regional Government
Start Date
January 2013
End Date
December 2015
Activity Type
Counties Affected
Project Overview

At the public drainage system scale, Faribault County will develop comprehensive Multipurpose Drainage Management Plans that focus on traditional and innovative conservation practices to reduce on-field and in-channel peak flow and erosion with enhanced water quality and wildlife habitat benefits. Planning will occur in conjunction with an established Redetermination of Benefits (ROB) schedule or as initiated through the petition process. The County drainage engineer will work with 5-10 systems per year to conduct a preliminary survey, detailed inventory, evaluation of existing conditions and plan development.
Plans will establish costs to repair each system to original condition while considering non-traditional, cost-effective practices that have the potential to reduce long-term maintenance costs of the system and become a viable alternative to a bigger pipe. Outreach efforts will be used to reach landowners and local drainage contractors to educate them on project objectives, and available funding sources for non-traditional conservation drainage practices.

Competitive Grant Making Body
Board Members and Qualifications
Advisory Group Members and Qualifications

Bill Thompson-MPCA, Bruce Henningsgaard-MPCA, Mark Dittrich-MDA, Adam Birr-MDA, Greg Eggers-MDNR, Jim Solstad-MDNR,
Gary Feyereison-USDA-ARS, Rick Moore-MSU-M, WRC, Sonia Maassel Jacobsen-NRCS, Tim Gillette-BWSR, Al Kean, BWSR

Conflict of Interest Disclosed
Conflict of Interest Contact

Nicole Clapp

Legal Citation / Subdivision
111 006 02 07D 000
Appropriation Language

Laws of Minnesota 2011, 1st Special Session, Chapter 6, Section 7, and Laws of Minnesota 2012, Chapter 264, Section 7

2013 Fiscal Year Funding Amount
Other Funds Leveraged
Direct expenses
Administration costs
Number of full time equivalents funded
Proposed Measurable Outcome(s)

Reduce phosphorus by 14,250 pounds/year and reduce sediment by 11,285 tons/year.

Measurable Outcome(s)

This project resulted in estimated reductions of 2,350 lb. of nitrogen per year, 15 lb. of phosphorus per year, and 2,200 tons of sediment per year.

Source of Additional Funds

The source of additional funds varies from project to project, but generally consists of federal, local and non-public sources.

Recipient Board Members
Milton Steele, Jean Millmann, Larry Wigern, Neal Mensing, Bill Anderson
Project Manager
First Name
Last Name
Organization Name
Faribault Soil and Water Conservation District
Street Address
415 S Grove Street, Suite 8
Blue Earth
Zip Code
Administered By
Administered by

520 Lafayette Road North
St. Paul, MN 55155

651- 296-3767