Civil War Programs at the Minnesota State Capitol
$275,000 the first year and $275,000 the second year are for a competitive grants program to provide grants for projects carried out by nonprofit organizations or public entities that preserve, recognize, and promote the historic legacy of Minnesota, with a focus on commemoration of Minnesota's role in the American Civil War. The Minnesota Historical Society shall work collaboratively with the Governor's Civil War Commemorative Task Force to determine project priorities. Funds may be used for projects administered or delivered by the Minnesota Historical Society in cooperation with the task force.
People will leave with a better understanding of Minnesota's involvement in the Civil War and why the Capitol evolved into the premier place in the state to remember what that generation of men and women did for the state and nation. The video will provide background info. and provide a platform for asking questions or conversation during a guided tour or school program experience in the Capitol. The printed material in the form of the booklets can not only be used during the visit but be referred to at a later date, passed on to another interested person, or have as keepsake.