Civics Education
$125,000 the first year and $125,000 the second year are for grants to Kids Voting St. Paul, Learning Law and Democracy Foundation, and YMCA Youth in Government, to conduct civics education programs for the civic and cultural development of Minnesota youth.
Provided Minnesota students with opportunities to engage in intense and meaningful education in civics and government. Expanding the website, reaching over 900,000 students. Enhanced learning for 1,043 students with MINNESOTA DAY:Project Citizen. In this program, 23% of the participants were under served youth/recent immigrants. Kids Voting Hub Outreach resulted in 50,000 K-12 students in 40 communities in 23 counties having the opportunity to cast a Kids Voting ballot on Nov. 4,2014. Conducted two Youth Conference on State issues with 180 -9-12 grade students from around Minnesota.
William R. Stoeri, President
Missy S. Thompson, Vice President
Ruth Huss, Vice President
D. Stephen Elliott, Secretary
Dean M. Nelson, Treasurer
Suzanne Blue
Brenda J. Child
Robert Bruininks
Judith S. Corson
D. Stephen Elliott
Phyllis Rawls Goff
William D. Green
David R. Hakensen
Ruth S. Huss
Martha Kaemmer
Dennis L. Lamkin
David M. Larson
Charles Mahar
Dean M. Nelson
Elizabeth M. Nordlie
Dennis Nguyen
Peter R. Reis
Hussein Samatar
Simon Stevens
Susan Kenny Stevens
William R. Stoeri
Karen Wilson Thissen
Missy Staples Thompson
Eleanor Winston
Mark Dayton, Governor
Yvonne Prattner Solon Lieutenant Governor
Mark Ritchie, Secretary of State
Lori Swanson, Attorney General
Rebecca Otto, State Auditor"