Children?s Dental Services ? Providing 100 Years of Dental Care to Vulnerable Minnesotans
To hire a qualified historian to research the history of Children's Dental Services in Minnesota, in preparation for their 100th anniversary.
$4,500,000 the first year and $6,500,000 the second year are for history programs and projects operated or conducted by or through local, county, regional, or other historical or cultural organizations or for activities to preserve significant historic and cultural resources. Funds are to be distributed through a competitive grant process. The Minnesota Historical Society must administer these funds using established grant mechanisms, with assistance from the advisory committee created under Laws 2009, chapter 172, article 4, section 2, subdivision 4, paragraph (b), item (ii).
Available upon request.
In the short-term, CDS' goal was to complete research via a historical researcher. This was completed by seeking historical consulting services from Hess, Roise & Company.
In the intermediate term, CDS hoped to increase awareness of CDS history among the local community. CDS has had the ability to do so already at numerous events, including the 100 year anniversary event for which this proposal was originally submitted.
Finally, the long term goal of the program was to increase awareness of the role of CDS in Minnesota's history. CDS will use the resources produced via this grant opportunity, as well as future opportunities, to display its history and make as prominent as possible the story of CDS.
Available upon request,