Cedar Lake Watershed Protection and Improvement Project
In 2002, citizens began to notice severe algal blooms in Cedar Lake, a high value recreational lake with exceptional clarity and fisheries habitat. Clearwater River Watershed District (CRWD) began an intensive monitoring program in 2003 to identify nutrient sources and protect Cedar Lake. Through intensive lake and watershed monitoring, CRWD identified the major source of nutrients to the lake. Three nutrient impaired shallow lakes; Swartout, Albion and Henshaw Lakes, in the upper watershed and impaired wetlands discharge excess amounts of soluble phosphorus.
CRWD also identified a suite of in-lake and watershed practices to improve water quality in the impaired shallow lakes to protect Cedar Lake. This project targets reductions to the largest watershed sources of nutrient to Cedar and Swartout Lakes by installing iron sand filters to remove soluble phosphorus currently exported from degraded wetlands and lakes.
Please reference following link: http://www.bwsr.state.mn.us/aboutbwsr/boarddirectory.pdf
Wayne Zellmer -BWSR Grants Coordinator; Matt Drewitz -BWSR South Region Clean Water Specialist; Jeff Hrubes -BWSR North Region Clean Water Specialist; Marcey Westrick -BWSR Metro Clean Water Specialist; Art Persons -MDH Planning Supervisor Drinking Water Protection; Terry Bovee -MDH Principal Planner Drinking Water Protection; Julie Westerlund -DNR Clean Water Coordinator; Dave Friedl -DNR Northern Region Clean Water Specialist; Joshua Stamper -MDA Research Scientist, Pesticide & Fertilizer Management; Dwight Wilcox -MDA Ag BMP Program Planner; Anna Kerr -MPCA -Stormwater / TMDL Coordinator;-DNR Central Region Clean Water Legacy Specialist; Karen Evens - MPCA -Watershed Projects Manager;
Nicole Clapp
Laws of Minnesota 2011, 1st Special Session, Chapter 6, Section 7, and Laws of Minnesota 2012, Chapter 264, Section 7
Reduce Phosphorus by 480 pounds/year.
This restoration reduced an estimated 1,280 lb. of phosphorus per year.
The source of additional funds varies from project to project, but generally consists of federal, local and non-public sources.