Animal Waste and Irrigation Water Management
This project continues water plan activities from a 2007 Clean Water Legacy grant and initiates a multi-county project to restore hydrology and water quality in an impaired trout stream.The first goal of this project is to reduce the impacts of animal manure and fertilizer on surface and groundwater by installing low cost feedlot improvements and targeted manure management planning. This unique style of manure management planning has become extremely popular with farmers and the outcomes of these projects will include phosphorus reductions of 2,286 pounds.The second goal of this project will begin addressing several impairments in the Little Rock Creek watershed through voluntary implementation of conservation practices. Historic evidence shows that the Little Rock Creek supported trout since 1908. Fish surveys from the early 1990's show that the creek can no longer support trout, even when stocked. Little Rock Creek is heavily influenced by groundwater and groundwater modeling indicates that changes in flow are contributing to the biological impairment. Irrigation records indicate an increased amount of groundwater withdrawal, especially during the summer months. This project will reduce this impact by combining the efforts of Benton and Morrison SWCD's in helping landowners address irrigation water management in the Little Rock Creek groundwater recharge area.
Nicole Clapp
2010 - FWQMG - CWF
Estimated pollution reductions include: 57 lbs/yr Phosphorus; 170 lbs/yr Nitrogen; 2.54E+4 CFU Fecal Coliform; BOD5 682 mg/L; COD 3124 mg/L.