2018 Soil and Water Conservation District Capacity Funding
Provides grants to Soil and Water Conservation Districts that focuses on increasing capacity to address four resource concern areas: Soil Erosion, Riparian Zone Management, Water Storage and Treatment, and Excess Nutrients.
Wayne Zellmer
$11,000,000 the first year and $11,000,000 the second year are for payments to soil and water conservation districts for the purposes of Minnesota Statutes, sections 103C.321 and 103C.331. From this appropriation, each soil and water conservation district shall receive an increase in its base funding of $100,000 per year. Money remaining after the base increase is available for matching grants to soil and water conservation districts based on county allocations to soil and water conservation districts. The board and other agencies may reduce the amount of grants to a county by an amount equal to any reduction in the county's allocation to a soil and water conservation district from the county's previous year allocation when the board determines that the reduction was disproportionate.
Proposed measurable outcomes TBD
Clean Water Fund